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发表于 2020-11-25 09:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

We continue the exploration of how Unreal renders a frame by looking into light grid generation, g-prepass and lighting.
Light assignment
Next, the renderer switches to a compute shader to assign lights to a 3D grid (ComputeLightGrid pass), in a way similar to clustered shading. This light grid can be used to quickly retrieve the lights that affect a surface based on its position.
接下来,渲染器会切换到compute shader去为3D的格子赋予灯光,这个方法跟clusered shading的方式比较相似。这个光照的格子可以被用来快速的去查询在某个位置上的某个面都有哪些光可以影响到它的成像。
As the pass name indicates, the view space light grid is of dimensions 29x16x32. Unreal uses a screen space tile of 64×64 pixels and 32 z-partitions. This means that the actual number of X-Y dimensions of the light grid will depend on the screen resolution. Also according to the name we are assigning 9 lights and 2 reflection probes. A reflection probe is an “entity” with position and radius which captures the environment around it and it is used for reflections on props.
According to the compute shader source (LightGridInjection.usf), the partitioning is exponential, meaning that the z-dimension of each grid cell in view space becomes larger with distance. Also it uses he axis aligned box of each cell to perform light bounding volume intersections. To store the light indices, a linked list is used which is then converted to a contiguous array during the “Compact” pass.
通过compute shader的源码的分析性可以知道,这个分割算法是按指数增长的,也就是说在z方向,视口空间下的这些各自会随着距离的增大的增大。同时,这些用来描述灯光的包围盒的格子还是轴对齐的,后续它们会参与相交检测。Unreal里使用一个链表去存储灯光的索引,这个链表会在后面的Compact阶段转换成为相邻的数组。
This Light grid will later be used during the Volumetric Fog pass to add light scattering to the fog, the environment reflections pass and the translucency rendering pass.
在后续的Volumetric Fog阶段,这些光照的格子会被用来给雾增加散射效果,在环境反射的阶段和半透明渲染的阶段也会用到。
Another interesting thing I noticed is that the CullLights pass begins by clearing the Unordered Access Views for light data, but it uses ClearUnorderedAccessViewUint only for the 2 of the 3 UAVs. For the other one it uses a compute shader that sets the value manually (the first Dispatch in the above list). Apparently the source code, for buffer sizes above 1024 bytes, favours clearing with a compute shader instead of a “clear” API call.
另一个有趣的事情是,我注意到CullLights阶段开始的时候会清理那些光照数据的Unordered Access View,但是它仅仅对3和UAV里面的2个使用了ClearUnorderedAccessViewUnit。对于另一个UAV,它使用了compute shader去对里面的值进行了手动的设置。显然,根据它的源码来看,当缓冲区的大小大于1024字节的时候,会更倾向于使用compute shader去擦除而不是使用相关的“clear”API去擦除缓冲区。


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