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优化算法 | 遗传算法(附Python代码)

发表于 2022-9-23 15:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

  • 遗传算法(GA)求解带时间窗的车辆路径(VRPTW)问题MATLAB代码
  • 遗传算法(GA)求解容量受限的车辆路径(CVRP)问题MATLAB代码
  • 遗传算法求解0-1背包问题(附matlab源代码)
  • 遗传算法(GA)求解旅行商问题(TSP)附MATLAB代码
  • 优化算法 | 遗传算法的变形
  • 机器学习 | 基于遗传算法的BP神经网络优化算法(附MATLAB代码)
  • 多种群遗传算法的函数优化算法(附MATLAB代码)
  • 基于量子遗传算法的函数寻优算法
  • 遗传算法求解车间调度问题(附MATLAB代码)
f(x)=\sum_{i=1}^{5} x_{i}^{2} \quad-100 \leq x_{i} \leq 100

01 | 种群初始化

# Initialize Population
pop = empty_individual.repeat(npop)
for i in range(npop):
    pop.position = np.random.uniform(varmin, varmax, nvar)
    pop.cost = costfunc(pop.position)
    if pop.cost < bestsol.cost:
        bestsol = pop.deepcopy()假设npop=5,则初始化种群结果如下,其中position是个体位置cost是个体目标函数值
[struct({'position': array([-31.01033353,94.77288865,-91.01647726,1.32204408,-49.62896178]), 'cost': 20692.321989577737}),
struct({'position': array([-69.29141662,63.88025843,69.29075941,34.80789342,81.93170175]), 'cost': 21607.590370704376}),
struct({'position': array([-64.22127924,0.08618959,-56.55556517,-10.68613122,-61.14429882]), 'cost': 11175.730766415392}),
struct({'position': array([ 80.3919982,-56.0863127,-27.38791656,-39.56431118,-31.46714348]), 'cost': 12914.161657029803}),
struct({'position': array([ 27.41598459,24.68736174,-31.05651977,-48.98385997,-43.34750546]), 'cost': 6604.034227715052})]02 | 适应度值计算

# Sphere Test Function
def sphere(x):
    return sum(x**2)03 | 选择操作

def roulette_wheel_selection(p):
    c = np.cumsum(p)
    r = sum(p)*np.random.rand()
    ind = np.argwhere(r <= c)
    return ind[0][0]假设输入参数p=[1,2,3,4,5],接下来依次看每一行代码代表什么含义。
np.argwhere(a)函数返回非0元素的索引,其中a是要索引数组的条件,并且该函数输出的是一列元素。因此np.argwhere(r <= c)返回的是r <= c的索引,输出结果为
ind =

04 | 交叉操作

def crossover(p1, p2, gamma=0.1):
    c1 = p1.deepcopy()
    c2 = p1.deepcopy()
    alpha = np.random.uniform(-gamma, 1+gamma, *c1.position.shape)
    c1.position = alpha*p1.position + (1-alpha)*p2.position
    c2.position = alpha*p2.position + (1-alpha)*p1.position
    return c1, c2np.random.uniform(low,high,size)函数返回size相同维度且取值范围在[low,high)之间的随机数,如
np.random.uniform(low = 0, high = 1, size = 4)返回4个[0,1)之间的随机数,具体返回结果如下
[0.25773193 0.90374664 0.51513421 0.60574244]下面这两行代码实际上表示产生两个新个体的计算公式。
c1.position = alpha*p1.position + (1-alpha)*p2.position
c2.position = alpha*p2.position + (1-alpha)*p1.position05 | 变异操作

def mutate(x, mu, sigma):
    y = x.deepcopy()
    flag = np.random.rand(*x.position.shape) <= mu
    ind = np.argwhere(flag)
    y.position[ind] += sigma*np.random.randn(*ind.shape)
    return yflag = np.random.rand(*x.position.shape) <= mu这行代码的含义是判断随机生成的与个体长度相等的数字中是否小于等于变异概率mu,返回结果示例为[False True False False False]
ind = np.argwhere(flag)表示找出flag为True的索引,即找出待变异的基因位,返回结果为ind=[[1]]。
y.position[ind] += sigma*np.random.randn(*ind.shape)表示更新待变异的基因位。


f(x)=\sum_{i=1}^{5} x_{i}^{2} \quad-100 \leq x_{i} \leq 100
import numpy as np
from ypstruct import structure

def run(problem, params):
    # Problem Information
    costfunc = problem.costfunc
    nvar = problem.nvar
    varmin = problem.varmin
    varmax = problem.varmax

    # Parameters
    maxit = params.maxit
    npop = params.npop
    beta = params.beta
    pc = params.pc
    nc = int(np.round(pc*npop/2)*2)
    gamma = params.gamma
    mu = params.mu
    sigma = params.sigma

    # Empty Individual Template
    empty_individual = structure()
    empty_individual.position = None
    empty_individual.cost = None

    # Best Solution Ever Found
    bestsol = empty_individual.deepcopy()
    bestsol.cost = np.inf

    # Initialize Population
    pop = empty_individual.repeat(npop)
    for i in range(npop):
        pop.position = np.random.uniform(varmin, varmax, nvar)
        pop.cost = costfunc(pop.position)
        if pop.cost < bestsol.cost:
            bestsol = pop.deepcopy()

    # Best Cost of Iterations
    bestcost = np.empty(maxit)
    # Main Loop
    for it in range(maxit):

        costs = np.array([x.cost for x in pop])
        avg_cost = np.mean(costs)
        if avg_cost != 0:
            costs = costs/avg_cost
        probs = np.exp(-beta*costs)

        popc = []
        for _ in range(nc//2):

            # Select Parents
            #q = np.random.permutation(npop)
            #p1 = pop[q[0]]
            #p2 = pop[q[1]]

            # Perform Roulette Wheel Selection
            p1 = pop[roulette_wheel_selection(probs)]
            p2 = pop[roulette_wheel_selection(probs)]
            # Perform Crossover
            c1, c2 = crossover(p1, p2, gamma)

            # Perform Mutation
            c1 = mutate(c1, mu, sigma)
            c2 = mutate(c2, mu, sigma)

            # Apply Bounds
            apply_bound(c1, varmin, varmax)
            apply_bound(c2, varmin, varmax)

            # Evaluate First Offspring
            c1.cost = costfunc(c1.position)
            if c1.cost < bestsol.cost:
                bestsol = c1.deepcopy()

            # Evaluate Second Offspring
            c2.cost = costfunc(c2.position)
            if c2.cost < bestsol.cost:
                bestsol = c2.deepcopy()

            # Add Offsprings to popc

        # Merge, Sort and Select
        pop += popc
        pop = sorted(pop, key=lambda x: x.cost)     #按照目标函数值从小到大排序
        pop = pop[0:npop]

        # Store Best Cost
        bestcost[it] = bestsol.cost

        # Show Iteration Information
        print("Iteration {}: Best Cost = {}".format(it, bestcost[it]))

    # Output
    out = structure()
    out.pop = pop
    out.bestsol = bestsol
    out.bestcost = bestcost
    return out

def crossover(p1, p2, gamma=0.1):
    c1 = p1.deepcopy()
    c2 = p1.deepcopy()
    alpha = np.random.uniform(-gamma, 1+gamma, *c1.position.shape)
    c1.position = alpha*p1.position + (1-alpha)*p2.position
    c2.position = alpha*p2.position + (1-alpha)*p1.position
    return c1, c2

def mutate(x, mu, sigma):
    y = x.deepcopy()
    flag = np.random.rand(*x.position.shape) <= mu
    ind = np.argwhere(flag)
    y.position[ind] += sigma*np.random.randn(*ind.shape)
    return y

def apply_bound(x, varmin, varmax):
    x.position = np.maximum(x.position, varmin)
    x.position = np.minimum(x.position, varmax)

def roulette_wheel_selection(p):
    c = np.cumsum(p)
    r = sum(p)*np.random.rand()
    ind = np.argwhere(r <= c)
    return ind[0][0]
function [f] = Sphere(x)
f= sum(x.^2);
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ypstruct import structure
import ga

# Sphere Test Function
def sphere(x):
    return sum(x**2)

# Problem Definition
problem = structure()
problem.costfunc = sphere
problem.nvar = 5
problem.varmin = [-100, -100, -100, -100,  -100]
problem.varmax = [ 100,  100,  100,  100, 100]

# GA Parameters
params = structure()
params.maxit = 500
params.npop = 5
params.beta = 1
params.pc = 1
params.gamma = 0.1
params.mu = 0.01
params.sigma = 0.1

# Run GA
out = ga.run(problem, params)

# Results
# plt.semilogy(out.bestcost)
plt.xlim(0, params.maxit)
plt.ylabel('Best Cost')
plt.title('Genetic Algorithm (GA)')
最优解:struct({'position': array([-1.32382941e-04, -2.07103364e-05, -1.31247597e-03,  1.21645087e-04,
        2.23626596e-08]), 'cost': 1.7553448711624725e-06})


[1]Mostapha Kalami Heris, Practical Genetic Algorithms in Python and MATLAB – Video Tutorial (URL:
https://yarpiz.com/632/ypga191215-practical-genetic-algorithms-in-python-and-matlab), Yarpiz, 2020.

新书上架 | 《MATLAB智能优化算法:从写代码到算法思想》
优化算法 | 灰狼优化算法(文末有福利)
优化算法 | 鲸鱼优化算法


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发表于 2022-9-23 15:50 | 显示全部楼层
module 'ga' has no attribute 'run'
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