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发表于 2022-6-6 12:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

In whatever form your dance finds expression in the world

the most important thing is to have balance within yourself.



The more you are exposed to the unity and the harmony of creation, the more your mind becomes Inclusive and Harmonious.




Ailments are of two kinds. One is infectious. Infectious means it’s an invasion from outside, that we have to deal with medicine. For that you must go to the doctor. But over seventy percent of the ailments on the planet are chronic in nature. That means you are producing your own ailments. Self- help this is called, because nobody is bothering you, you want to do something to yourself, so most over seventy of the ailments are because of self help. People are generating ailments from within, and this cannot be cured by any medicine. You can only manage it. You can never cure it.



If you constantly see how to stretch your physical,mental,emotional,and perceptional limitations, your life is one big adventure.



Technology, art, music, dance, spirituality,

whatever you may call it- essentially, it is about life finding full exuberance.



The beauty of motherhood is not reproduction. The beauty of motherhood is inclusion.


She saw you as a part of herself.


It is the willingness to include another life as a part of yourself, it is that beauty we're trying to celebrate with the Mother's Day, not reproduction.



Mom Knows Best

When I was a tiny baby crying all night,my mom sang to me and stayed by my side

When I was tired and hungry,she gave me food and warm arms to sleep in

When I was two running through the field,she made sure I was safe and kept me from danger

When I fell and hurt myself,she gave me a hug and lifted me up

Mom knows best,and for me she wanted only the best!








Every individual is capable of building relationships of joy and happiness, if only we get the fundamentals right. Yogi and mystic, Sadhguru, looks at creating an inner “climate” from which healthy relationships can naturally blossom.



Sadhguru: Relationships are necessary to exist in the world. You may not get married or raise a family, but you still have relationships with anything and everything around you. Whether you keep them beautiful or ugly is the only choice you have. For most people, though relationships initially bring joy, after a while they only bring anxiety. This happens because we have been building relationships out of compulsiveness, not out of choice. Please see, it isn’t your enemies who are taking your life. It is the things you have always wanted and which you have created with lots of care that are taking your life every day. If your enemy wants to kill you, that’s understandable. But it is your loved ones who are taking your life. Somewhere, we haven’t gotten the fundamentals right.



If you had a choice between pleasantness and unpleasantness, between joy and misery, between beauty and ugliness, what would you choose? Definitely, you would choose joy and pleasantness. But why is unpleasantness happening? Why is misery happening? Simply because nothing of you is in your control; everything is happening accidentally. Your mind, emotion, energy and body are not happening the way you want them to happen. They are mostly decided by the external situations. If the outside situations are pleasant, you also become pleasant. If the outside situations are unpleasant, you also become unpleasant. Who you are is very deeply enslaved to the situations in which you exist. If someone tells you when you should get up, when you should lie down, what you should eat and what you should wear, you consider this slavery. But right now, someone else is deciding how you will be within yourself – whether you will be happy or unhappy. Isn’t this a most horrible form of slavery?



Building Relationships Consciously


So you have no relationships, you are just enslaved to things around you. A relationship is possible only when there is some sense of freedom within you as to who you are. Otherwise, this is just slavery and compulsiveness. Because of physical, emotional or psychological compulsiveness, you are building relationships of different types. When you exist here as a compulsive being, you cannot operate as a conscious being. Once there is no conscious way of existence, what you want will not happen. Whichever way situations push you, that is the way your life will happen. You become accidental. Once you exist here as an accident, you are a potential calamity.



Only if you are an individual by yourself, you can hold a relationship. Otherwise, because of compulsive needs, you hang on to someone. That’s not really a relationship. This is just clinging. You would actually cling to anything. Right now it happens to be human beings. If you are not okay by yourself, if you are using the other person to fill in the gap, it will be constant trouble. If you really want to have absolutely fantastic relationships no matter where you go, first, you need to establish yourself as a joyful human being.



If you choose to be joyful this moment, you can be joyous. It is just that you have to make a choice every moment that you want to be joyous. Consciously, very firmly make a choice that you will live as a joyous human being. Don’t put it on mortgage – “But if this happens how can I be joyous? If that happens how can I be joyous?” “Whatever happens I will live as a joyous human being.” Make a choice like that. If you are fine by yourself, then wherever you go you will have wonderful relationships with people.

如果你此刻选择了快乐,你就会快乐。只是你得每时每刻都作出这个选择:你想要快乐。有意识地、坚定不移地作出这个选择:你要做一个快乐的人。别把快乐抵押出去——“但如果这件事发生了,我怎能快乐?如果那件事发生了,我怎能快乐?” “无论发生什么,我都要做一个快乐的人。”作出这样的选择吧。如果你自己没问题,那么无论你去到哪里,你都会与他人拥有美好的关系。


Idealism is good within yourself. But action has to be pragmatic because otherwise, it will not be practical or successful.



When your memory, experience and imagination are all mixed up, then you are One Big Mess.



Life has become so much better because of a phone. But now people are in a state of compulsiveness. Anything you give they’re so compulsive. They make it into suffering - compulsive eating, compulsive drinking, compulsive everything. So the problem is not phone, problem is not something else; compulsiveness is the problem. The solution is only consciousness. There is no other way .



So, the idea of forming a unit of family and the larger identities of community, nation and whatever else is simply to find a space where you can keep your defense mechanism down and just be in a certain sense of ease, because only in that ease the other possibility will find expression; otherwise, you will be just like an animal, constantly trying to survive – preserve yourself. So, love is seen as a possibility to go beyond that instinct of self-preservation, where you are not trying to preserve yourself, you are trying to offer yourself to something or somebody. For that you don't need a person, you can just do it simply with life.



But essentially what love means is, if your physical body becomes very pleasant, generally we call this health and pleasure. If your mind becomes very pleasant, we call this peace and joy. If your emotions become very pleasant, we call this love and compassion. If your life energies become very pleasant, we call this blissfulness and ecstasy. So, what you are referring to as love is, a certain moment of pleasantness. Now, you believe somebody caused it in you. Maybe somebody did trigger it in you, somebody did stimulate that in you or inspire that in you, but essentially it is your emotions turning very pleasant, which you call as love.



So, people who look beyond that are people, they don't value relaxing with one person because now they are able to relax with just about anything. They are totally at ease with everything in the existence. Now they don't find the need to make a bond where only at one place some relaxation happens. Rest of the place you are war-like, always trying to protect yourself. One place where you can keep your defense mechanism down, because only when you keep your defense mechanism down, something beautiful can happen within you – when the need to protect yourself is gone.



Those who are constantly resting within themselves are capable of endless activities.



Where to live is a question of what you wish to do, and where you are most comfortable. It is not a question of which is a better place. There is no better place. Those who are there want to come here. Those who are here want to go there. When you were in India, you were desperate to come to the United States. Now that you are here, you desperately want to go back there. Something will always be lacking.


Do whatever you want – anyway you have a way of suffering it. I would say change that first, so that whether you are in the United States, in India, or in Timbuktu, anyway you will live blissfully. Make that happen. After that, go wherever life takes you. If you are blissful, what does it matter where you are?



If you have a child all you have to do is create a loving supportive and invigorating atmosphere. It is not necessary to believe that a child with a fresh life is fundamentally bad and you have to teach him various morals and values and ideas and ideologies to make him good.

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