We can use this method to find the ground state of multi-valley state space structure with its many local minima.
Simulate the thermal relaxation by Metropolis algorithm.
Let $\vec X$=initial configuration
Let $E=E(\vec X)$
Let i = random move from the moveset
Let $E_i=E(\vec{X_i})$
if $E_i>E$,then $X=X_i,E=E(\vec{X_i})$
if $E_i<E$: accept the worse move with some probability $\exp(-(E-E_i)/k_BT_i)$
where is a gradually decrese temperature parameter.
首先模拟退火包含了分区战胜的思想。温度区分了系统重排的任务,那些使目标函数值引起大变化的重排在高温时出现,而那些使目标函数值发生小变化的重排被推迟到低温出现。这也是分区战胜的一种类型:先在高温进行的重排,使系统在总体上初具凝聚特征; 而后在低温进行的重排,勾画系统凝聚状态的细节。
其次模拟退火包含了迭代改善,或者说,迭代改善是模拟退火的一个特例。迭代改善方法本身的限制决定了它只能使系统达到局域最优;而模拟退火使用 Metropolis法则代替迭代改善中的只改善(improve only),因而模拟退火法可使系统达到全局最优。 Properties of SA: global optimum.
idea: escape local maxima by allowing some bad moves but gradually decrease their size and frequency.
It has usually used with discrete patameters as well as continuous variables.