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实时渲染 第四版

发表于 2023-2-8 10:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.简介 Introduce

1.1全书概览 Contents Overview

1.2符号和定义 Notation and definitions

2.图形渲染管线 The Graphics Rendering Pipline

2.1架构 Architecture

2.2应用程序阶段 The Application Stage

2.3几何阶段 Geometry Processing

2.4光栅化 Rasterization

2.5 像素阶段 Pixel Processing

2.6 纵览管线 Trough the Pipline

3.图形处理器 The Graphics Processing Unit

3.1 数据并行结构 Data-Parallel Architectures

3.2 GPU管线概述 GPU Pipline Overview

3.3 可编程着色阶段 The Programmable Shader Stage

3.4 可编程着色的进阶与API The Evolution of Programmable Shading and APIs

3.5 顶点着色器 The Vertex Shader

3.6 曲面细分阶段 The Tessellation Stage

3.7 几何着色器 The Geometry Shader

3.8 像素着色器 The Pixel Shader

3.9 合并阶段 The Merging Stage

3.10 计算着色器 The Compute Shader

4.变换 Transforms

4.1 基础变换 Basic Transforms

4.2 特殊的矩阵变换和运算 Special Matrix Transforms and Operations

4.3 四元数 Quaternions

4.4 顶点混合 Vertex Blending

4.5 渐变 Morphing

4.6 几何缓存回放 Geometry Cache Playback

4.7 投影 Projections

5.着色基础 Shading Basics

5.1着色模型 Shading Models

5.2 光源 Light Sources

5.3 实时着色模型 Implementing Shading Models

5.4 锯齿与抗锯齿 Aliasing and Antialiasing

5.5 透明混合 Transparency, Alpha and Compositing

5.6 显示编码 Display Encoding

6.纹理贴图 Texturing

6.1 纹理管线 The Texturing Pipline

6.2 图像纹理贴图 Image Texturing

6.3 程序化贴图 Procedural Texturing

6.4 纹理动画 Texture Animation

6.5 材质映射 Material Mapping

6.6 Alpha映射 Alpha Mapping

6.7 凹凸映射 Bump Mapping

6.8 视差纹理映射 Parallax Mapping

6.9 纹理灯光 Textured Lights

7.阴影 Shadows

7.1 平面阴影 Planar Shadows

7.2 曲面阴影 Shadows on Curved Surfaces

7.3 阴影体积 Shadow Volumes

7.4 阴影贴图 Shadow Maps

7.5 百分比渐进滤波 PCF Percentage-Closer Filtering

7.6 百分比渐进软阴影 PCSS Percentage-Closer Soft Shadows

7.7 滤波阴影贴图 Filtered Shadow Maps

7.8 体阴影技术 Volumetric Shadow Techiniques

7.9 非常规的Z-Buffer阴影 Irregular Z-Buffer Shadow

7.10 其他应用 Other Application

8.光和颜色 Light and Color

8.1 光量 Light Quantities

8.2 场景到屏幕 Scene to Screen

9.基于物理的着色 Physically Based Shading

9.1 物理光照 Physics of Light

9.2 相机 The Camera

9.3 双向反射分布 The BRDF

9.4 照明 Illumination

9.5 菲涅耳反射 Fresnel Reflectance

9.6 微观几何形态 Microgeometry

9.7 微平面理论 Microfacet Theory

9.8 基于表面反射的BRDF模型 BRDF Models for Suface Reflection

9.9 基于次表面散射的BRDF模型 BRDF Models for Subsurface Scattering

9.10 布料BRDF模型 BRDF Models for Cloth

9.11 波动光学BRDF模型 Wave Optics BRDF Models

9.12 分层材质 Layered Materials

9.13 混合和过滤材质 Blending and Filtering Materials

10.局部光照 Local Illumination

10.1 区域光源 Area Light Sources

10.2 环境光 Environment Lighting

10.3 球形与半球形函数 Spherical and Hermispherical Functions

10.4 环境映射 Environment Mapping

10.5 基于高光贴图的映射 Specular Image-Based Lighting

10.6 辐射环境纹理映射 Irradiance Environment Mapping

10.7 错误来源 Sources of Error

11.全局光照 Global Illumination

11.1 渲染方程 The Rendering Equation

11.2 普通全局光照 General Global Illumination

11.3 环境光遮蔽 Ambient Occlusion

11.4 定向遮蔽 Directional Occlusion

11.5 漫反射全局光照 Diffuse Global Illumination

11.6 高光全局光照 Specular Global Illumination

11.7 统一方法 Unified Approaches

12.基于图像的效果 Image-Space Effects

12.1 图像处理 Image Processing

12.2 二次投影技术 Reprojection Techniques

12.3 镜头炫光与光晕 Lens Flare and Bloom

12.4 景深 Depth of Field

12.5 运动模糊 Motion Blur

13.多边形之外 Beyond Polygons

13.1 渲染谱 The Rendering Spectrum

13.2 固定视角效果 Fixed-View Effects

13.3 天空盒 Skyboxes

13.4 光场渲染 Light Field Rendering

13.5 Sprite和层 Sprites and Layers

13.6 公告板 Billboarding

13.7 置换技术 Displacement Techniques

13.8 粒子系统 Particle Systems

13.9 点渲染 Point Rendering

13.10 三维像素 Voxels

14.体积与半透明渲染 Volumetric and Translucency Rendering

14.1 光散射理论 Light Scattering Theory

14.2 特殊体积渲染 Specialized Volumetric Rendering

14.3 普通体积渲染 General Volumetric Rendering

14.4 天空渲染 Sky Rendering

14.5 透明表面 Translucent Surfaces

14.6 次表面散射 Subsurface Scattering

14.7 头发和皮毛 Hair and Fur

14.8 统一方法 Unified Approaches

15.非真实渲染 Non-Photorealistic Rendering

15.1 卡通着色 Toon Shading

15.2 描边渲染 Outline Rendering

15.3 水墨画风格 Stoke Surface Stylization

15.4 线 Lines

15.5 文本渲染 Text Rendering

16.多边形技术 Polygonal Techniques

16.1 三维数据来源 Sources if Three-Dimensional Data

16.2 曲面细分与三角测量 Tessellation and Triangulation

16.3 合并 Consilidation

16.4 三角扇形,条带和网格 Triangle Fans, Strips, and Meshes

16.5 简化 Simplification

16.6 压缩和精度 Compression and Precision

17.曲线与曲面 Curves and Curved Surfaces

17.1 参数曲线 Parametric Curves

17.2 参数曲面 Parametric Curved Surfaces

17.3 隐式表面 Implicit Surfaces

17.4 细分曲线 Subdivision Curves

17.5 细分曲面 Subdvision Surfaces

17.6 高效细分 Efficient Tessellation

18.管线优化 Pipeline Optimization

18.1 性能优化和调试工具 Profiling and Debugging Tools

18.2 定位瓶颈 Locating the Bottleneck

18.3 性能测量 Performance Measurements

18.4 优化 Optimization

18.5 多进程 Multiprocessing

19.加速算法 Acceleration Algorithms

19.1 空间数据结构 Spatial Data Structures

19.2 剔除技术 Culling Techniques

19.3 背面剔除 Backing Culling

19.4 视锥剔除 View Frustum Culling

19.5 细节和小三角形剔除 Detail and Small Triangle Culling

19.6 遮挡剔除 Occlusion Culling

19.7 剔除系统 Culling System

19.8 层次细节 Level of Detail

19.9 渲染大场景 Rendering Large Scenes

20.高效着色 Efficient Shading

20.1 延迟着色 Deferred Shading

20.2 贴画渲染 Decal Rendering

20.3 平铺着色 Tiled Shading

20.4 聚簇着色 Clustered Shading

20.5 延迟纹理 Deferred Texturing

20.6 对象和纹理空间着色 Object and Texture-Space Shading

21.虚拟现实和增强现实 Virtual and Augmented Reality

21.1 设备及系统概述 Equipment and Systems Overview

21.2 物理要素 Physical Elements

21.3 API和硬件 APIs and Hardware

21.4 渲染技术 Rendering Techniques

22.交叉测试方法 Intersection Test Methods

22.1 GPU加速拣选 GPU——Accelerated Picking

22.2 定义和工具 Definitions and Tools

22.3 边界体积创建 Bounding Volume Creation

22.4 几何概率 Geometric Probability

22.5 经验法则 Rules of Thumb

22.6 光线/球体相交 Ray/Sphere Intersection

22.7 光线/盒子相交 Ray/Box Intersection

22.8 光线/三角形相交 Ray/Triangle Intersection

22.9 光线/多边形相交 Ray/Polygon Intersection

22.10 平面/盒子相交 Plane/Box Intersection

22.11 三角形/三角形相交 Triangle/Triangle Intersection

22.12 三角形/盒子相交 Triangle/Box Intersection

22.13 边界体积/边界体积相交 Bounding-Volume/Bounding-Volume Intersection

22.14 视锥体相交 View Frustum Intersection

22.15 线/线相交 Line/Line Intersection

22.16 三个平面相交 Intersection between Three Planes

23.图像硬件 Graphics Hardware

23.1 光栅化 Rasterization

23.2 大规模计算与调度 Massive Compute and Scheduling

23.3 延迟和占用 Latency and Occupancy

23.4 内存体系结构与总线 Memory Architecture and Buses

23.5 缓存和压缩 Caching and Compression

23.6 颜色缓冲 Color Buffering

23.7 纹理 Texturing

23.8 体系结构 Architecture

23.9 案例分析 Case Studies

23.10 光线追踪体系结构 Ray Tracing Architectures

24.未来 The Future

24.1 其他内容 Everything Else

24.2 你 You

25.碰撞检测 Collision Detection

25.1 宽相位碰撞检测Broad Phase Collision Detection

25.2 中相位碰撞检测Mid Phase Collision Detection

25.3 窄相位碰撞检测Narrow Phase Collision Detection

25.4 射线碰撞检测Collision Detection with Rays

25.5 使用BSP树的动态碰撞检测Dynamic CD Using BSP Trees

25.6 时间临界碰撞检测Time-Critical Collision Detection

25.7 基于形变模型Deformable Models

25.8 连续碰撞检测Continuous Collision Detection

25.9 碰撞响应Collision Response

25.10 粒子Particles

25.11 动态相交测试Dynamic Intersection Testing

26.实时光线追踪Real-Time Ray Tracing

26.1 光线追踪基础Ray Tracing Fundamentals

26.2 光线追踪着色器Shaders for Ray Tracing

26.3 顶部和底部加速结构Top and Bottom Level Acceleration Structures

26.4 连贯性Coherency

26.5 去噪Denoising

26.6 纹理过滤Texture Filtering

26.7 推测Speculations
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