资源信息 Asset Information
资源名称: | SQLiteKit (发帖教程) |
版本: | 无 (版本) |
资源等级: | 2 |
资源格式: | .unitypackage (链接失效请点击帖子右下方举报通知管理员) |
资源大小: | 2MB (默认:MB) |
下载地址: | 请先登录 (购买积分) |
- Documentation is here in progress
- Full source code
- Share Editing with Google Spreadsheet!
- Playmaker integration -> ASYNCHRONOUS database operation in playmaker!!! BETA
- Encryption supported "PRAGMA key=xXXXXX"
- Helps organize statistics or score in one single database file to enjoy sophisticated search using SQL language and benefits of keeping everything in one place.
- All platforms are supported (full code, no dlls). Tested on WebPlayer, IPhone, Android, PC and Mac.
- It can be used for game scenarios or settings storage which could be easily modified by great tools like SQLite Database Browser.
- Best advantage is that you can read or download database file into memory, which is crucially important for platforms like WebPlayer where access to the file system is restricted because of security reasons.
- Asynchronous Database Example!
- Support UTF-8, BLOB.
- SQLite native file format.
- Native SQLite API nicely wrapped in C#.
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