You can find the documentation in the ORK Wiki: http://rpg-kit.com/wiki
- gizmoIcons24.unitypackage
Contains Unity gizmo icons for ORK in 24x24 pixels.
- gizmoIcons32.unitypackage
Contains Unity gizmo icons for ORK in 32x32 pixels.
- ork_cs.unitypackage
Contains the ORK source files.
- ork_default_data.unitypackage
Contains default ORK project data, use the default data when starting a new project.
Don't import them into an existing project, this will override your data!
- ork_resources_structure.unitypackage
Contains the ORK resources folder structure.
Assets you're using with ORK (e.g. icons, prefabs, etc.) must be stored in specific resources folders!
Demo project
Download the demo project here:
Windows project: http://rpg-kit.com/download/ork_demo_project_win.zip
Mac project: http://rpg-kit.com/download/ork_demo_project_mac.zip
The demo project doesn't include sources.
Simply import the latest ork_cs.unitypackage to get the demo running.