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新概念英语3册 lesson10-12补充笔记

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Lesson 10 The loss

of the Titanic “泰坦尼克“号的沉没

【New words and expressions】生词和短语

◆Southampton  n. 南安普敦(英国港市)

◆colossal adj.庞大的

◆watertight adj.不漏水的

◆compartment  n. (轮船的)密封舱

◆flood v.充满水

◆float v.漂浮,飘浮

◆tragic adj.悲惨的

◆liner n.班船

◆voyage n.航行

◆iceberg n.冰山

◆lookout n.瞭望员

◆collision n.碰撞

◆narrowly adv.刚刚,勉强地

◆miss v.避开

◆slight adj.轻微的

◆tremble v.震颤

◆faint adj.微弱的

◆horror n.恐惧

◆abandon v.抛弃

◆plunge v.投入,跳入

◆lifeboat n.救生船

★Southampton n. 南安普敦(英国港市)

★colossal adj. 庞大的

big, large, huge,great, vast, immense, enormous, giant, gigantic, tremendous, titanic

colossal: large insize

A ship Titanic wascolossal.

a colossalmonument; a colossal statue


You give me a bigsurprise.

He is a bigperson.

The box is big.


an empty large box

a large number ofpeople

great: 伟大

vast:辽阔,广阔 vast desert


immeasurable 不可测量的

an immense stadium, immense iceberg

enormous 重点突出数量、程度、体积;强调程度时,语意强于big

Eg: He made a bigsuccess. / He made an enoumous success.

giant: 巨大的,高大的

a giant person 巨人;gigantic

tremendous: big,fast, powerful

The plane is travelingat tremendous speed.

titanic 用于修饰人和物,体积大、力量大

The ship istitanic.

huge:强调体积大 a huge stone 数量巨大a hugesum of money

★watertight adj. 不漏水的

a watertight ship

watertight 引申为无懈可击的,毫无破绽的


arguments 无懈可击的论点

watertight excuse 毫无破绽的借口

waterproof 防水的;waterproof watch 防水手表

waterproof coat 防水雨衣

★compartment n. (轮船的)密封舱

★flood v. 充满水

vt. & n.

vt. be filled withwater; the ship is flooded.

The room was flooded with moonlight.

L10-01 end 10’41”

L10-02 begin 11’00”

Our classroom wasflooded with sunshine.

n. 洪水, in flood 河水泛滥; 引申表示连续不断的

During the rains,the river is in flood.

in a flood of

words 滔滔不绝的

She blamed herhusband in a flood of words on seeing him.

★float v. 漂浮, 飘浮


★tragic adj. 悲惨的

unfoutunate; atragic accident

miserable 苦难的 bitter痛苦的

tragedy n. 悲剧,惨剧 in tragedy 以悲剧形式

The holiday endedin tragedy.

comedy 喜剧 comic 喜剧的,滑稽的comical 古怪的,可笑的

★liner n. 班船

★voyage n. 航行

voyage 海上航行

flight 飞行

journey 长途行程

navigation 航海,航海术

The voyage is morethan the old lady can bear.

★iceberg n. 冰山

★lookout n. 瞭望员

★collision n. 碰撞

collide vi 碰撞,抚触

The plane collidedwith the mountain

crash v. 坠毁

It is said thatthere is an airplane that crashed in the mountains.

conflict vi. 和某事(某人)相抵触

My idea conflictswith yours.

clash vi. 相冲突

Eg: His weddingclashed with my examination, so I couldn’t go.

★narrowly adv. 刚刚,勉强地

★miss v. 避开

★slight adj. 轻微的

★tremble v. 震颤

tremble v. 有规律的、小幅度的抖动

Look, your handsare trembling, what’s wrong with you?

shiver v. 强调由于寒冷、惧怕而一连串地抖动

I found he’sshivering in a cold.

shudder vi. 强调全身的颤栗

The boy isshuddering, why? Because he was frightened.

★faint adj. 微弱的

faint: weak

faint sound / weaksound; wea voice / faint voice

faint: unconscious失去知觉

He has been faintfor a long time.

slight 轻微的,微不足道的

a slight headache;a slight book

★horror n. 恐惧

★abandon v. 抛弃

abandon 因为某事而被迫放弃自己喜爱的事物

He abandoned hisresearch because of the war.

desert 背弃,遗弃

desert the army;desert the duty; desert his family

★plunge v. 投入,跳入

plunge: jump orrush suddenly and wildly

He got so angrythat he plunge into the water.

When the shipTitanic sank in the ocean, a large number of people plunged into…


The boy is jumpingup and down.

leap: 跳跃He leapt out of the sleeping bad.

dive 跳水、潜水

★lifeboat n. 救生船

L10-02 end 11’00”

L10-03 begin11’53”


§Lesson 10 The loss of the Titanic “泰坦尼克“号的沉没

What would havehappened if only two of the sixteen water-tight compartments had been flooded?

The great ship,Titanic, sailed for New York from Southampton on April 10th, 1912. She wascarrying 1316 passengers and a crew of 89l. Even by modern standards, the46,000 ton Titanic was a colossal ship. At that time, however, she was not onlythe largest ship that had ever been built, but was regarded as unsinkable, forshe had sixteen watertight compartments. Even if two of these were flooded, shewould still be able to float. The tragic sinking of this great liner willalways be remembered, for she went down on her first voyage with heavy loss oflife.

Four days aftersetting out, while the Titanic was sailing across the icy waters of the NorthAtlantic, a huge iceberg was suddenly spotted by a look-out. After the alarmhad been given, the great ship turned sharply to avoid a direct collision. TheTitanic turned just in time, narrowly missing the immense wall of ice whichrose over 100 feet out of the water beside her. Suddenly, there was a slighttrembling sound from below, and the captain went down to see what had happened.The noise had been so faint that no one thought that the ship had been damaged.Below, the captain realized to his horror that the Titanic was sinking rapidly,for five of her sixteen watertight compartments had already been flooded! Theorder to abandon ship was given and hundreds of people plunged into the icywater. As there were not enough life-boats for everybody, 1500 lives were lost.


The loss of theTitanic

The great ship,

Titanic, sailed for …背景介绍

sail for 航海去往某处

set out (off) for 出发去往某处

leave for, headfor, make for

Eg: He will setout for the Atlantic.

The plane ismaking for the airport.

We are heading forCanada.

She eas carrying…

carry 表示载有; a crew of 一组人员

Even by… by :

according to 表示依据

modern standards 现代的标准

by regulation 依据规则 ; by ruies 依据条例

by our estimate 根据我们的估计

by one’s looks /

by one’s appearance 根据某人的长相

according to 依据(事实、课文等客观存在的现实)

according to the

fact 依据事实

according to the

text 依据这篇课文

在我看来:in my opinion

according to / inaccordance with

in accordance with更加正式

in accordance with

law 依据法律

in accordance withrules

at that time 在当时

not only… but

(also )… 不仅…而且

be regarded as: be

considered to be, be thought of as 把…看作为

口语中:regard sb. / sth. as + (n. / pron. / adj./ doing / done)

Eg: I regarded hisidea as totally unacceptable.

We can’t regardthe matter as settled.

for 表示原因

be able to 强调有能力

be remembered 被永远记住

go down: sink

on her first

voyage 处女航, 首航

with heavy loss of

life 损失惨重,造成大批人员的死亡

four days aftersetting out… : four days after setting off…

…spotted…:suddenly discovered by a look out

icy waters 水域,海域

the alarm had been

given 发出警

to avoid…不定式表目的

just in time 很及时

missing 现在分词做状语,表示对主句的补充说明

narrowly 勉强地

which 指代the immense wall of ice

from below 从下方 from above从上方

… so faint that noone thought that…

so… that…

to one’s horror 使某人感到惊讶

five of hersixteen watertight compartments had been filled with water.

The order was given命令被下达

to abandon ship 弃船,不定式做定语

As (because )there were not enough lifeboats… 1,500 lives died.

the order was

given. 命令被下达

to abandon ship 弃船不定式做做定语

ability 能力

the ability to dosth.

order sb. to dosth.

be capable ofdoing sth. 强调有做某事的能力

capability of

doing sth. 做某事的能力

L10-03 end 11’53”

L10-04 begin10’44”

【Special difficulties】

Word Building 构词法

动词后加-er, 如果是以不发音的-e结尾的,只加-r, 表示行为的主动者,做某事的人。

work----worker teach----teacher murder----murderer

write----writer read----reader

动词后加-ist, 表示某种主义者、信仰者;从事某种事业、研究的人

copy----copyist type----typist novel ---- novelist

drug----druggist tobacco----- tobacconist

形容词后加-ness, 抽象名词,表示一种性质、情况、状态

kind----kindness bitter----bitterness happy----happiness


某些动词后加-ion, 构成名词



translate----translation complete---- completion


某些以-aim /-ain 结尾的动词,把-i 去掉,再加-ation

explain----explanation exclaim----exclamation

以-ity 结尾,放在形容词之后,构成抽象名词,表示性质、状态

以-able / -ible 对尾的形容词变成名词,充成–ability / -ibility

able----ability probable----probability possible----possibility mobile----mobility


Supply the missingwords in the following sentences:

1 He studied physics at university. He is ap____ .

2 He works in a mine. He is a m_____ .

3 Pasteur did a great service to _____ (human).

4 He is trying to make a good _____ ( impress).

5 His paintings have been admired for their_____ (original ).

Key: 1.physicist 2. miner 3.humanity 4. impression 5. originality

【Multiple choice questions】


1 When the Titanic set out from Southampton_____ .

a. she wascarrying a very large cargo

b. she was makinga voyage which is only attempted by very large ships

c. only two of herwatertight compartments were flooded

d. she was sailingon her maiden voyage

1. D

2 What happened once the icebery had beenspotted?

a. The Titanic gotlost in the icy waters of the North Atlantic.

b. The alarm wasgiven that there was a collision ahead.

c. The Titanicquickly changed her course.

d. The Titanicturned just as the iceberg rose steeply out of the water.

2. C

3 The Titanic sank because _____ .

a. she had beenbadly damaged by an iceberg

b. the captain wasslow to realize the true nature of the damage

c. no more thanfive of her watertight compartments had been flooded

d. instead oftrying to save her, people plunged into the water

3. A


4 _____ were 1,316 passengers and a crew of 891. (ll.2-3)

a. On herboard b. On board her c. Boarding her d. On boarding ner

4. B her 指代的是the great ship

on board the plane/ the train

5 No one thought she _____ sink, for she hadsixteen watertight compartments. (ll.5-6)

a. would bepossible to b. would be able to c. shouldd. could possibly

5. D 表示下沉的可能性

6 She _____ four days when a huge iceberg wassuddenly spotted. (ll.9-10)

a, sailed b. was sailing c. has sailed d. had been sailing

有了段时间four, 用过去完成进行时


7 So faint _____ that no one thought…(ll.13-14)

a. the noisewas b. had been the noise c. it was the noise d. ithad been the noise



8 As there were _____ lifeboats for every body…(ll.16-17)

a. as little b. so little c. very few d. too few

not enoughlifeboats

8. D


9 The great ship _____ sharply to avoid adirect collision. (ll.10-11)

a. veered b. changed c. went back d. cornered


veer = turn

9. A

10 The Titanic turned _____ narrowly missing theimmense wall… )ll.11-12)

a. in next to notime b. on a sudden impulse c. with no time to spare d. nearly on time

just in tome 躲得很及时

in next to no time= at once, immediately

on a sudden


10. C

11. The captainwent down to _____ . (l.13)

a. explore b. investigate c. examine d. inquire



12 There was not enough _____ in the lifeboatsfor everybody. (ll.16-17)

a. room b. placec. volume d. area

room 空间 volume容量,容积 area地区 place地方,地点

12. A

L10-04 §Lesson10 end10’44”

L11-01 §Lesson11 begin

§ Lesson 11 Not guilty 无罪

【New words and expressions】生词和短语

◆guilty adj.犯罪的,违法的

◆tolerant adj.宽容的

◆declare v.申报

◆hardened adj.有经验的

◆professional adj. 职业的,专业的

◆smuggler n.走私者

◆officious adj.爱管闲事的

◆confidently  adj. 自信地

◆dreadful adj.可怕的,一团糟的

◆pounce v.猛抓,扑住

◆perfume n.香水

◆sarcastically adv. 讽刺地

◆exempt adj.被免除的

◆duty n.税

◆gel n.凝胶

◆mixture n.混合物

◆unscrew v.拧开

◆nostril n.鼻孔

◆chalk n.粉笔

◆baggage n.行李

★guilty adj. 犯罪的,违法的

He felt guiltywhen he did what he shouldn’t have done.

He said that witha guilty smile.

guilt n.

guiltily a.

反义词:innocent, innocence n.

★tolerant adj. 宽容的

a tolerant personmust be easy going.

tolerantly ad.

tolerance n.

tolerate vt.

tolerable adj. 可以忍受的,说得过去的

★declare v. 申报

★hardened adj. 有经验的


a hardened player

a hardened thief

experienced (侧重于有经验的)

an experiencedteacher

★professional adj. 职业的,专业的

a professionalplayer选手

★smuggler n. 走私者

★officious adj. 爱管闲事的

a lot of oldladies are officious.

officiously adv.

officiousness n.

officious civil

servant 好管闲事的公务员

an officiouspolice officer

official 官方的,官员的,正式的

An official

inquiry will be made into this matter. 对此事将进行一次官方调查

★confidently adj. 自信地

He went to do thework confidently.

= with confidence 充满信心的

confident adj.

confidence n.

have confidence有信心

gain confidence获得信心

in confidence悄悄的,秘密的= secretly

take sb. into one’s confidence以某人为心腹

Eg: The boss takehis secretary into his confidence.

★dreadful adj. 可怕的,一团糟的

= frightful (表示胆怯的,恐惧的)

dreadful (侧重于可怕的,乱七八糟的)

★pounce v. 猛抓, 扑住

★perfume n. 香水

fragrance:(抽象名词) 芬芳,芳香

★sarcastically adv. 讽刺地

★exempt adj. 被免除的

★duty n. 税

Customs Duty:关税

Stamp duty 印花税

duty free 免税的

同义词taxincome tax所得税

★gel n. 凝胶

★mixture n. 混合物

mix v. mix sth. with

★unscrew v. 拧开

★nostril n. 鼻孔

★chalk n. 粉笔

★baggage n. 行李



§ Lesson 11 Not guilty 无罪

Q: What was theCustoms Officer looking for?

Customs Officersare quite tolerant these days, but they can still stop you when you are goingthrough the Green Channel and have nothing to declae. Even really honest peopleare often made to feel guilty. The hardened professional smuggler, on the otherhand, is never troubled by such feelings, even if he has five hundred goldwatches hidden in his suitcase. When I returned from abroad recently, aparticularly officious young Customs Officer clearly regarded me as a smuggler.

'Have you anythingto declare?' he asked, looking me in the eye.

'No,' I answeredconfidently.

'Would you mindunlocking this suitcase please ?'

'Not at all,' Ianswered.

The Officer wentthrough the case with great care. All the things I had packed so carefully weresoon in a dreadful mess. I felt sure I would never be able to close the caseagain. Suddenly, I saw the Officer's face light up. He had spotted a tinybottle at the bottom of my case and he pounced on it with delight.

'Perfume, eh?' heasked sarcastically. 'You should have declared that. ' Perfume is not exemptfrom import duty.'

'But it isn'tperfume,' I said.' It's hair-oil.' Then I added with a smile,' It's a strangemixture I make myself.'

As I expected, hedid not believe me.

'Try it!' I said encouragingly.

The Officerunscrewed the cap and put the bottle to his nostrils. He was greeted by anunpleasant smell which convinced him that I was telling the truth. A fewminutes later, I was able to hurry away with precious chalk-marks on mybaggage.


quite tolerant



a really officiousperson



强调“完全的,彻底的”completely, entirely, fully,thoroughly

L11-01 end10’35”

L11-02 begin9’33”


very ----语气程度强烈“非常”

rather----语意程度接近fairly, 注意修饰形容词和副词,特别是形容词同时修饰名词时,不定冠词的位置。

A fairly goodbook.

A rather good book/ Rather a good book

rather too

quite---- ~ right

/ wrong / mistaken / sure 绝对不能用very替代。

Even really honestpeople…

a particularly officiousyoung Customs Officer…

the Green Channel= the Custom Office

are made to feelguilty

madk, have, let 及感官性动词see, hear, notice, feel 用于主动语态,符合宾语不定式的to符号应该省略。但这种结构改成被动式时,不定式符号必须还原。

We heard someonecome up the stairs.

Someone was heardto come up the stairs.

(On the one hand…,) on the other hand

On the one hand we could stay and help you,but on the other hand it might be better if you went to help him instead.

hidden in hissuitcase


even if / thoughhe has five hundred gold watches hidden in his suitcase.

looking me in the

eye: 两眼直盯盯的注视着我

look sb. in theface, stare sb. in the eye = look directly at sb.

Not one of the mendared look him in the eye.

'Would you mindunlocking this suitcase please ?'

L11-02 end 9’33”

L11-03 begin 10’44”

The Officer wentthrough the case with great care. = The Officer examined the case carefully.

with great


in a mess:乱作一团

介词in 和名词搭配,表示一种状态

秩序井然:ingood order

身体健康:ingood health

心情好: in a good mood

脾气好: in a good temper

light up:喜气洋洋,容光焕发

Eg: Masha's facelit up when she saw her old friend.

His face lighted up at the small triumph.

Tom really lighted up when he saw the newbiccycle.

light有两种过去分词,过去式形式:lit, lighted


一只被点燃的雪茄:a lighted cigar

点燃的火炬:a lighted stick.

介词短语--with delight “欣喜若狂的”


自信地:with confidence

细心地:with care

骄傲的:with pride

欣喜若狂的:with delight

惊讶的:with surprise

pounce on:向…猛扑过去,对…大做文章

Eg: The policemanpounced on the thief.

Don't pounce on mymistake.

should have 和过去分词搭配,表示本应该做某事却没有做,具有谴责性的味道。

You should have arrived here five minutesearlier.

You should have told me about it.

本不应该做某事:shouldn’t have done

exempt:免除的,被免除的 be ~ from

Drinks are notexempt from import duty.

as----系代词, 引导非限制性定语从句。他所指代的内容就是主句的整个句子的含义。

As we know, the earth is round. (众所周知)

As Brian pointed out, …(正如…所指出的)

正如我很快得知的:assb. mentioned

关系代词as 和which的区别:

as所引导 的非限制性定语从句,可用在主句之前



He was greeted by an unpleasant smell…

greet:问候,向…致意;觉察到, 呈现在…眼前,在…耳边

I woke up and wasgreeted by a bird’s song.

Inside the roomadreadful mess greeted us.

When he went intothe kitchen, a smell greeted him.


L11-03 end10’44”

L11-04 begin

【Multiple choice questions】


1 What makes really honest peole feel guiltywhen going through Customs?

a. Having fivehunred gold watches hidden in their suitcases.

b. Theparticularly officious way Customs Officers always ask questions.

c. The fact thatthey are treatedas potential smugglers.

d. Carrying thingswhich are not exempt from imart duty.

1. C

2 What madethe Customs Officer’s face light up?

a. Knowing owdifficult it would be for the writer to close si case.

b. Seeing thebottle of hair gel which he could charge duty on.

c. The idea ofhaving found something which should have been declared.

d. discovering anunopened bottle of erfume at the bottom of the case.

what---- 名词


3 The writer was in a hurry to get away because_____ .

a. he had grownimpatient at having taken so long to get through Customs

b. he was anxiousto get away from the unleasant smell

c. he was afraidhe might still be stopped for smuggling

d. he was tryingto escape with precious chalk marks

3. A


4 The Customs Offficer asked him _____ he hadanything to declare. )l.9)

a. that b. whatc. for d. whether

4. D

5 ‘Have you anything to declare?’ he asked,looking _____ .(l.9)

a. direct tome b. me directly c. directly at me d. in my direction

look him in theeye / face = liik directly at him

5. C

6 ‘Would you _____ please? (l.11)

a. unlock kindlythis suitcase b. kindly unlick thissuitcase

c. unlock thissuitcasekindly d. be kind to unlockthis suitcase

Would you kindlydo sth. please?

6. B

7 he told him he _____ it. (l.16)

a. ought to havedeclared b. must hsve declared c. had to declare d. neededto declare

7. A

8 _____ the cap, the Officer put the bottle tohis nostrils. (l.22)

a. Havingunscrewed b. Unscrewed c. Being unscrewed d. With unscewed

8. A

Having finishedhis homework, he went to bed.


9 Customs Officers are quite tolerant these days.They are _____ . (l.1)

a. tolerable b. placidc. easy-going d. negligent

tolerable 能忍耐的,可忍受的 placid平静的 tolerable宽容的,好相处的negligent 疏忽的


10 A hardened professional smuggler feels _____his behaviour. )ll.4-5)

a. unashamedof b. unwronged by c. unshocked by d. guiltless of

10. A

feel ashamed of 为… 感到羞愧

gultless of 无辜的

★11As I expected, he was _____ . (l.20)

a.incomprehensible b. incredible c. incredulous d. sceptical

incomprehensible =unable to be understood

The article is full of incomprehensibletechnical expressions.

incredible =

unbelievable 难以置信的

What you said isincredible.

incredulous 不轻信的

skeptical =

unwilling to believe 不愿意想念的,持怀疑态度的

11. D

12 I was able to hurry away with recious chalkmarks on my _____ . (ll.23-24_

a. hangbags b. luggage c. casement d. equipment

baggage = luggage

12. B

L11-04 end8’29”

L12-01 begin7’52”

§ Lesson 12 Life on a desert island 荒岛生活

【New words and expressions】生词和短语

desert island 荒岛

unrealistic adj. 不真实的

Paradise n. 天堂,乐土

wretched adj. 可怜的,艰苦的

Starve v. 挨饿

element n. 成分

opportunity n. 机会

coral n. 珊瑚

Virgin Islands 维尔京群岛

Miami n. 迈阿密(美国最南的城市)

dinghy n. 救生筏,小船

Caribbean n. 加勒比海

spear gun 捕鱼枪

lobster n. 龙虾

tanker n. 油轮

genuinely adv. 由衷地

Robinson Crusoe鲁滨逊·克鲁索 (小说《鲁滨逊漂流记》主人公)

★desert island 荒岛

desert : 沙漠

v. 背弃,遗弃


★unrealistic adj. 不真实的

★paradise n. 天堂,乐土

a lot of peopleimagine the USA as their paradise.

heaven: 天堂,天国,也指死亡

★wretched adj. 可怜的,艰苦的


lead a wretched /miserable / terrible life

★starve v. 挨饿

starve to death

★element n. 成分

★opportunity n. 机会

golden opportunity绝佳的机会

opportunity knocks

only once 千载难逢的机会

chance 表机会时可以与opportunity 互换,表可能性时则不可

I had chance / opportunityof visiting Paris.

There is a chancethat I will see him.

The chances arethat he will be elected the president.

The chances arethat he will past his examination next week.

+ of, to

He had notopportunity to see her.

★oral n. 珊瑚

★irgin Islands 维尔京群岛

★Miami n. 迈阿密 (美国最南的城市)

★dinghy n. 救生筏,小船

★Caribbean n. 加勒比海

★spear gun 捕鱼枪

★lobster n. 龙虾

★tanker n. 油轮

★genuinely adv. 由衷地

He is genuinelythankful to me.

adj. genuine

n. genuineness

★Robinson Crusoe鲁滨逊·克鲁索 (小说《鲁滨逊漂流记》主人公)


§ Lesson 12 Life on a desert island 荒岛生活

What wasexceptional about the two men’s stay on the desert island?

Most of us haveformed an unrealistic picture of life on a desert island. We sometimes imaginea desert island to be a sort of paradise where the sun always shines. Lifethere is simple and good. Ripe fruit falls from the trees and you never have towork. The other side of the picture is quite the opposite. Life on a desertisland is wretched. You either starve to death or live like Robinson Crusoe, waitingfor a boat which never comes. Perhaps there is an element of truth in boththese pictures, but few of us have had the opportunity to find out.

Two men whorecently spent five days on a coral island wished they had stayed there longer.They were taking a badly damaged boat from the Virgin Islands to Miami to haveit repaired. During the journey, their boat began to sink. They quickly loadeda small rubber dinghy with food, matches, and tins of beer and rowed for a fewmiles across the Caribbean until they arrived at a tiny coral island. Therewere hardly any trees on the island and there was no water, but this did notprove to be a problem. The men collected rain-water in the rubber dinghy. Asthey had brought a spear gun with them, they had plenty to eat. They caughtlobster and fish every day, and, as one of them put it 'ate like kings'. When apassing tanker rescued them five days later, both men were genuinely sorry thatthey had to leave.


form an

unrealistic picture of sth. 对...抱有不切实际的幻想

L12-01 end7’52”

L12-02 begin

A large number ofpeople have formed an unrealistic picture of the job.

imagine sth. to be/ imagine sth. as

Some peopleimagine flying to be more dangerous than traveling by train.

A large numberpeople imagin the USA as their paradise.

quite the

opposite: 恰恰相反


Either you or I am

going to the party. 谓语动词和最接近的主语保持一致。

Either coming or

go out don’t stand on the doorway.要么进来,要么出去,不要站在门口。

An element oftruth: a bit of truth

Optimistic: 乐观的

Pessimistic: 消极的,悲观的



I wish you coulddrive a car.


I wish I hadn’tspentso much money.

I wish that youhad written to him.

L12-02 end 8’18”

L12-03 begin8’09”

3. 如果表达与将来事实相反或将来不可能实现的心愿,that从句中要使用would,


I wish that Icould go abroad tomorrow.

I wish that youcould come here tomorrow.

if only要比 wish 更富有戏剧性和感情色彩

If only theweather would change.

I wish the weatherwould change.

We wish that weknew where to look for him.

If only we knew tolook for him.

If only we couldhave gone to the party.

If only you hadn’tsaid that.

If only you wouldcome here tomorrow.

Have sth. Repaired

load with 把…装载到…上

Eg: The workersare loading the truck with goods.

Unload: 卸

hardly any: verylittle / few

Eg: Hardly anybodylikes him becaues he is so rude.

You hardly eat anything, what's wrong?

prove to be===turnout to be

put: express

If only we couldhave stayed on the desert island a little bit longer.

L12-03 end8’09”

L12-04 begin11’11”

【Special difficulties】

wish, if only

Exercise P60

1 It was silly of me not to buy that dress. Iwish I _____ .

2 You are making a lit of noise. I wish you_____ .

3 It’s a pity John’s away. If only he _____ .

4 He. I wish I _____ .

5 I never studied at all when I was at school.I wish I _____ .

6 I’m sorry I mentioned it to him. I wish I_____ .

Key: 1. had bought

it. 显然说明的是过去的情况“was “

2. couldn’t / wouldn’t make such noice…

3. were here… 强调“他在这儿,该有多好”;运用be动词,说明现在情况相反的概念,无论什么人称,be 动词应该使用were

4. could play thepiano so well

5. had studiedhard then. ( studied)

6. hadn’tmentioned it to him

【Multiple choice questions】


1 In what way are the pictures we form of lifeon a desert island unreal?

a. They fail topresent the wretchedness of such a sutuation.

b. We forget thatwe would be too weak to work and only imagine the pleasure of idleness.

c. They are eitherunduly optimistic or unduly pessimistic.

d. They lack anytruth at all as most of us have never visited one.

1. C 要么是过度乐观,要么是过度的悲观

2 What was the equipment the men had broughtthat proved essential to their survival?

a. Tools withwhich they had been going to repair theri boat.

b. Food, matchesand tins of beer.

c. Rainwater,lobster and fish.

d. A spear gun anda rubber dinghy.

Essential = very

necessary 绝对必要的,必不可少的

2. D

3 What made the men wish to stay on the desertisland?

a. Discovering howpleasant life can be fending for oneself.

b. Having seenvery few trees and no rainwater on the coral island.

c. The fact thattheyt were able to eat the same food as kings eat.

d. Knowing they nolonger needed to take their boat to Miami for repair.

3. A

fend for oneself: 独立的照料某人



4 We sometimes think of a desert island _____ asort of paradise. (l.1)

a. to be b. as being c. isd. be

think of sb. /

sth. as : 把某人、某事看作为…

4. B

5 But _____ have had the opportunity to findout. (ll.7-8)

a. we few b. hardly anybody c. little people d. not many

few of us:我们当中,没有几个人


6 After _____ a few miles across the Caribbean,they arrived at a small coral island. (ll.11-12)

a. they rowed b. rowedc. rowing d. to row

after prep 其后要和名词、动名词搭配,and 前后连接的并列成分,时态是应该相呼应的

原句:They quickly loaded a small rubber dinghy

with food, matches, and tins of beer and rowed for a few miles across the

Caribbean until they arrived at a tiny coral island. 一般过去时形式



7 _____ were scarce there and there was nowater. (ll.12-13)

a. The trees b. Treesc. Any trees d. Trees on theisland


在表示类指概念的时候,可以采用名词的复数形式;或者运用名词的单数形式,注意冠词的修饰。(a tree, the tree )

Refrigerators areuseful. = A refrigerator is useful.

7. C

8 Both men genuinely regretted _____ . (l.16)

a. theirleave b. to have to leave c. having to leave d. they must have left

为做过的事情后悔:regret +动名词



9 A desert island is _____ place. (ll.1-2)

a. anunpopular b. an uninhabited c. a deserted d. a barren

inhabited: 有人居住的

uninhabited: 无人居住的

unpopular: 不流行的

barren : 贫瘠的


10 The other side of the picture is _____different.(ll.4-5)

a. naturally b. ratherc. really d. entirely



11 But this was not _____ to be a problem.(l.13)

a.demonstrated b. thought c. shownd. found

原句:this did not prove to be a problem

觉得、发现苛人或某事怎么样:find sb. / sth. to be

They found thetrip to be interesting. / very exciting.


The car is foundto be beautiful.

demonstrate: 论证,表明,举行,示威

11. D

12 And, as one of them _____ it, they ‘ate likekings’. (l.15)

a. expressed b. placedc. told d. said

原文:as one of them put it

12. A

L12-04 end 11’11”

L13-01 begin
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