public struct Ray
private Vector3 m_Origin;
private Vector3 m_Direction;
public Ray(Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction)
this.m_Origin = origin;
this.m_Direction = direction.normalized;
public Vector3 origin
get => this.m_Origin;
set => this.m_Origin = value;
public Vector3 direction
get => this.m_Direction;
set => this.m_Direction = value.normalized;
public Vector3 GetPoint(float distance) => this.m_Origin + this.m_Direction * distance;
这段代码很简单,只包含两个属性,m_Origin 代表原点,m_Direction代表方向,且是归一化的(归一化就是将数据统一映射到[0,1]区间上)。所以射线就是有原点有方向的一条线。
1、在触摸事件源码分析中,我们提到在检测触摸事件时用到了eventSystem.RaycastAll(pointerData, m_RaycastResultCache) 接口,其中就调用了RectTransformUtility.RectangleContainsScreenPoint接口,用于判断点击屏幕的点是否处于某个图片范围内。
还有我们经常用到的 RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToWorldPointInRectangle 、RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle 等都用到了射线。
我们拿 RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToWorldPointInRectangle 来举例说明。让我们看下源码
public static bool ScreenPointToWorldPointInRectangle(RectTransform rect, Vector2 screenPoint, Camera cam, out Vector3 worldPoint)
worldPoint = Vector2.zero;
Ray ray = ScreenPointToRay(cam, screenPoint);
var plane = new Plane(rect.rotation * Vector3.back, rect.position);
float dist;
if (!plane.Raycast(ray, out dist))
return false;
worldPoint = ray.GetPoint(dist);
return true;
public static Ray ScreenPointToRay(Camera cam, Vector2 screenPos)
if (cam != null)
return cam.ScreenPointToRay(screenPos);
Vector3 pos = screenPos;
pos.z -= 100f;
return new Ray(pos, Vector3.forward);
ScreenPointToRay的作用是将屏幕坐标转换成 Ray 对象,Ray对象是根据摄像机近裁剪面、远裁剪面和屏幕坐标经过视口矩阵、投影矩阵的相关矩阵变化得来的一条以近裁剪面上的一个点为原点射向远裁剪面的某一点的射线。
得到射线后,根据射线以及Plane 对象就能得出Plane平面上的一个点,这个点就是要得到的坐标点。
如果plane.Raycast 为false,就说明触摸点不在这个rect范围内。
public partial struct Plane
// sizeof(Plane) is not const in C# and so cannot be used in fixed arrays, so we define it here
internal const int size = 16;
Vector3 m_Normal;
float m_Distance;
// Normal vector of the plane.
public Vector3 normal
get { return m_Normal; }
set { m_Normal = value; }
// Distance from the origin to the plane.
public float distance
get { return m_Distance; }
set { m_Distance = value; }
// Creates a plane.
public Plane(Vector3 inNormal, Vector3 inPoint)
m_Normal = Vector3.Normalize(inNormal);
m_Distance = -Vector3.Dot(m_Normal, inPoint);
// Creates a plane.
public Plane(Vector3 inNormal, float d)
m_Normal = Vector3.Normalize(inNormal);
m_Distance = d;
// Creates a plane.
public Plane(Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector3 c)
m_Normal = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Cross(b - a, c - a));
m_Distance = -Vector3.Dot(m_Normal, a);
// Sets a plane using a point that lies within it plus a normal to orient it (note that the normal must be a normalized vector).
public void SetNormalAndPosition(Vector3 inNormal, Vector3 inPoint)
m_Normal = Vector3.Normalize(inNormal);
m_Distance = -Vector3.Dot(inNormal, inPoint);
// Sets a plane using three points that lie within it. The points go around clockwise as you look down on the top surface of the plane.
public void Set3Points(Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector3 c)
m_Normal = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Cross(b - a, c - a));
m_Distance = -Vector3.Dot(m_Normal, a);
// Translates the plane into a given direction
public void Translate(Vector3 translation) { m_Distance += Vector3.Dot(m_Normal, translation); }
// Creates a plane that's translated into a given direction
public static Plane Translate(Plane plane, Vector3 translation) { return new Plane(plane.m_Normal, plane.m_Distance += Vector3.Dot(plane.m_Normal, translation)); }
// Calculates the closest point on the plane.
public Vector3 ClosestPointOnPlane(Vector3 point)
var pointToPlaneDistance = Vector3.Dot(m_Normal, point) + m_Distance;
return point - (m_Normal * pointToPlaneDistance);
// Returns a signed distance from plane to point.
public float GetDistanceToPoint(Vector3 point) { return Vector3.Dot(m_Normal, point) + m_Distance; }
// Is a point on the positive side of the plane?
public bool GetSide(Vector3 point) { return Vector3.Dot(m_Normal, point) + m_Distance > 0.0F; }
// Are two points on the same side of the plane?
public bool SameSide(Vector3 inPt0, Vector3 inPt1)
float d0 = GetDistanceToPoint(inPt0);
float d1 = GetDistanceToPoint(inPt1);
return (d0 > 0.0f && d1 > 0.0f) ||
(d0 <= 0.0f && d1 <= 0.0f);
// Intersects a ray with the plane.
public bool Raycast(Ray ray, out float enter)
float vdot = Vector3.Dot(ray.direction, m_Normal);
float ndot = -Vector3.Dot(ray.origin, m_Normal) - m_Distance;
if (Mathf.Approximately(vdot, 0.0f))
enter = 0.0F;
return false;
enter = ndot / vdot;
return enter > 0.0F;
我们发现这个类很简单,就包含两个属性 m_Normal 法线和 m_Distance 距离(表示从原点到这个平面的距离),那有了这两个属性为什么就可以获取到该平面上的某个点呢?
public bool Raycast(Ray ray, out float enter)
float vdot = Vector3.Dot(ray.direction, m_Normal);
float ndot = -Vector3.Dot(ray.origin, m_Normal) - m_Distance;
if (Mathf.Approximately(vdot, 0.0f))
enter = 0.0F;
return false;
enter = ndot / vdot;
return enter > 0.0F;
在空间中有两个向量: \vec a=(x_1,y_1,z_1) ,\vec b = (x_2,y_2,z_2), \vec a 与 \vec b 之间的夹角为 \theta ,
\vec a . \vec b = x_1.x_2 + y_1.y_2 + z_1 .z_2
\vec a.\vec b = |\vec a||\vec b|cos\theta
点乘的结果表示 \vec a 在 \vec b 方向的投影与 |\vec b| 的乘积,反映了两个向量在方向上的相似度,结果越大越相似。基于结果可以判断这两个向量是否是同一方向,是否正交垂直,具体对应关系为:
1、 \vec a\cdot \vec b>0 则方向基本相同,夹角在0°到90°之间
2、 \vec a\cdot \vec b=0 则正交,相互垂直
3、 \vec a\cdot \vec b<0 则方向基本相反,夹角在90°到180°之间
设 \vec a 终点为 A(x_1,y_1,z_1) , \vec b 终点为 B(x2,y2,z2),原点为 O ,则
在 △OAB 中,由余弦定理得:
\left |\vec {AB}\right |^2=\left |\vec a \right |^2+\left |\vec b \right |^2-2\left |\vec a \right |\left |\vec b \right |\cos\theta
\left |\vec a \right |\left |\vec b \right |\cos\theta=\frac {x_1^2+y_1^2+z_1^2+x_2^2+y_2^2+z_2^2-[(x_2-x_1)^2+(y_2-y_1)^2+(z_2-z_1)^2]}{2}
\left |\vec a \right |\left |\vec b \right |\cos\theta=x_1x_2+y_1y_2+z_1z_2=\vec a\cdot \vec b
根据上面的工式可计算 \vec a 与 \vec b 之间的夹角:\theta=\arccos (\frac {\vec a\cdot\vec b} {\left |\vec a \right |\left |\vec b \right |})
public bool Raycast(Ray ray, out float enter)
float vdot = Vector3.Dot(ray.direction, m_Normal); // 求射线和平面法线的夹角, 设为 cosθ
float ndot = -Vector3.Dot(ray.origin, m_Normal) - m_Distance; // 求射线原点到平面的距离 d
if (Mathf.Approximately(vdot, 0.0f))
enter = 0.0F;
return false;
enter = ndot / vdot; // 射线原点与平面相交点 L = d/cosθ
return enter > 0.0F;
通过注释相信你已经理解了这个接口,通过L 代入到 ray.GetPoint(L);就可以求得我们点击到平面上某个点的世界坐标。
其中矩阵变换我没有讲,因为那不是本文的重点,本文重点是带大家理解射线的原理和应用,让大家在开发中用起来能够得心应手,我们的目的就达到了。 |
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