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外媒新闻-第83期 世界交流日

发表于 2022-11-23 09:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Pope Francis: do not communicate devoid of values, rather with Christian and human values

World Communications Day, established by Pope Paul VI in 1967, will be celebrated this year on Sunday,May 29, the day that some countries will mark the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord, transferred from the preceding Thursday.

Having received 250 communicators from around the world in the Vatican during a special audience with Church communication specialists on 12 November last, Pope Francis name-checked Father James Martin SJ, the well-known US-based Jesuit, author and editor-at-large ofAmericamagazine, as “a man who has values, Christian and human values” and “a communicator who knows how to teach you to communicate with God.” Father Martin is also a consultant to the Vatican’s Secretariat for Communications.

In his unscripted 不用稿子的speech, Pope Francis highlighted the importance of “the communication of values” and said: “We cannot descend to a communication devoid of values. We must communicate with our values 我们不能堕落到缺乏价值的交流。我们必须用我们的价值观交流… Christian values, the values that are behind it, the values that teach us to go forward 教会我们前进的价值观.

He continued, “To be a communicator with values is this: to go, to walk, to risk, convinced that I am giving my life with my values, Christian values and human values.” He cited Father Martin as an example.

Pope Francis further advised Church communicators not to rely too heavily on technique, stating, “Beware not to slip into technique alone because this will lead you to a sterile (争论或讨论)毫无新意的,无结果的communication, devoid of values缺乏价值, and then you can fall into the hands of the consultants or ideologies of the moment.”

The Dicastery for Communication was instituted 创立;设置by Pope Francis with his Motu Proprio on the current context of communications on 27 June 2015. The new Dicastery was entrusted with被委托做某事the task of the overall reorganization of the entire communications system of the Holy See 罗马教廷, thus becoming the single point of reference for communication.

<hr>Pope Francis: Digital media raises serious ethical issues数字媒体引发了严重的道德问题

Pope Francis says SIGNIS 国际公教广播影视协会 “can play an important role” in meeting the challenge of “toxicity, hate speech, and fake news” in the media.

Although modern means of communication can be “a powerful means of fostering communion and dialogue within our human family,” they can also become “places of toxicity, hate speech, and fake news,” warns Pope Francis, in a message to the lay communications network SIGNIS, which is holding its annual World Congress in Seoul in August.

“It is appropriate,” the Pope says, “that, in these days marked by new outbreaks of violence and aggression in our world, you have chosen as the theme of your World Congress ‘Peace in the Digital World.” 在我们的世界爆发新的暴力和侵略的日子里,你们选择‘数字世界的和平’作为世界大会的主题是恰当的

Serous ethical issues

Pope Francis notes, “The use of digital media, especially social media, has raised a number of serious ethical issues that call for wise and discerning judgment on the part of communicators, and all those concerned with authenticity and the quality of human relationships.”数字媒体,特别是社交媒体的使用引发了一系列严重的伦理问题,这需要传播者以及所有关注人际关系真实性和质量的人做出明智和有洞察力的判断。 SIGNIS, he continues, “can play an important role” in meeting this challenge, especially through “media education, networking Catholic media, and countering lies and misinformation.”

In his message, the Pope encourages SIGNIS members to persevere in their efforts by helping people “develop a sound critical sense, learning to distinguish truth from falsehood, right from wrong, good from evil, and to appreciate the importance of working for justice, social concord, and respect for our common home.” 教皇鼓励SIGNIS成员通过帮助人们“培养健全的批判意识,学会辨别真伪、是非、善恶,并认识到为正义、社会和谐和对我们共同家园的尊重而努力的重要性。”

At the same time, recognizing that many communities have limited access to “the digital space,” he calls on SIGNIS communicators to make “digital inclusion a priority” in their planning.

The value of listening

The Holy Father also calls attention to the importance of listening “as the first and indispensable ingredient of dialogue and good communication,” 呼吁注意倾听的重要性,“作为对话和良好沟通的首要和不可或缺的因素”, an issue he highlighted in his message for World Communication Day 2022.

Communication is not just a profession, but a service to dialogue and understanding between individuals and larger communities in the pursuit of a serene and peaceful coexistence.”


Listening, he says, “is likewise essential to the synodal journey that the whole Church has undertaken in these years,” recalling the ongoing Synod on Synodality that will culminate at the 16thOrdinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops in October 2023. “It is my hope,” Pope Francis says, “that, in your communication, you will contribute to this process by assisting the holy and faithful people of God in our commitment to listen to one another, to the Lord’s will, and to grow in the awareness that we participate in a communion that precedes and includes us.”

“In this way, your efforts to foster ‘Peace in the Digital World’ will help to create an ever more ‘symphonic 交响乐的; 似交响乐的’ Church, whose unity is expressed in a harmonious and sacred polyphony复调,多音.”


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