本帖最后由 大将军 于 2012-12-21 19:38 编辑
很不错的教程,主要讲解unity3d的网络功能,包括服务端、客户端,联机多人游戏等知识,应该是国外一工作室出的一套实例教程,此资源项目包包括几个完整的项目。 下面是其英文简介:
This tutorial is written by Mike Hergaarden (“Leepo”) from M2H (www.m2h.nl). We've been using Unity for over two years now, though most of our unity development time has been spent in the past few months. We've been concentrating on unity multiplayer since the very beginning. In fact the first unity game we made featured multiplayer; it's that easy to add! Our multiplayer games include: Crashdrive 3D, Cratemania, Surrounded by Death, Verdun Online and our current upcoming multiplayer challenge is Hyberon. Have fun going trough this tutorial. If you made something exciting thanks to this tutorial, let me 项目截图: