前言一、NILMTK Dataset介绍
1. Time Series Data2. Meta Data
一、NILMTK Dataset介绍
??NILMTK是一个专门用于负荷分解研究的工具包,其建立了一个较为流行的标准数据集格式(NILMTK Dataset)。该数据集以HDF5格式存在,而HDF5是由数据部分以及元数据部分构成,因此该数据集也是由这两部分构成。
1. Time Series Data
?这部分本质上就是一个table,以时间戳为index,hierarchical label为column name。一级column name表示测量的物理量(physical_quanitity)、二级column name表示类型(type)。他们的取值范围均在一个受控词表内。
2. Meta Data
?如图所示,metadata这部分内容又包含相对较为稳定的Central metadata部分与随数据集变化的Shipped metadata部分,各方块的具体含义就不详细展开了,有兴趣的可以到这里了解。总的来说metadata的作用有两方面:
?1)为series data建立索引,令程序能够根据索引拿到想要的数据;
1.1 创建yaml文件
dataset.yaml(示例):- name: REDD
- long_name: The Reference Energy Disaggregation Data set
- creators:- Kolter, Zico
- - Johnson, Matthew
- publication_date:2011
- institution: Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT)
- contact: zkolter@cs.cmu.edu # Zico moved from MIT to CMU
- description: Several weeks of power data for6 different homes.
- subject: Disaggregated power demand from domestic buildings.
- number_of_buildings:6
- timezone: US/Eastern # MIT is on the east coast
- geo_location:
- locality: Massachusetts # village, town, city or state
- country: US # standard two-letter country code defined by ISO 3166-1 alpha-2
- latitude:42.360091 # MIT's coorindates
- longitude:-71.09416
- related_documents:- http://redd.csail.mit.edu->
- J. Zico Kolter and Matthew J. Johnson.
- REDD: A public data set for energy disaggregation research.
- In proceedings of the SustKDD workshop on
- Data Mining Applications in Sustainability,2011.
- http://redd.csail.mit.edu/kolter-kddsust11.pdf
- schema: https://github.com/nilmtk/nilm_metadata/tree/v0.2
复制代码 ?2)meter_devices.yaml则记录了采集数据所用设备的信息
meter_devices.yaml(示例):- eMonitor:
- model: eMonitor
- manufacturer: Powerhouse Dynamics
- manufacturer_url: http://powerhousedynamics.com
- description:>
- Measures circuit-level power demand. Comes with 24 CTs.
- This FAQ page suggests the eMonitor measures real(active)
- power: http://www.energycircle.com/node/14103 although the REDD
- readme.txt says all channels record apparent power.
- sample_period:3 # the interval between samples. In seconds.
- max_sample_period:50 # Max allowable interval between samples. Seconds.
- measurements:- physical_quantity: power # power, voltage, energy, current?
- type: active # active(real power), reactive or apparent?
- upper_limit:5000
- lower_limit:0
- wireless: false
- REDD_whole_house:
- description:>
- REDD's DIY power meter used to measure whole-home AC waveforms
- at high frequency. To quote from their paper: "CTs from TED(http://www.theenergydetective.com) to measure current in the
- power mains, a Pico TA041 oscilloscope probe(http://www.picotechnologies.com) to measure voltage for one of
- the two phases in the home, and a National Instruments NI-9239
- analog to digital converter to transform both these analog
- signals to digital readings. This A/D converter has 24 bit
- resolution with noise of approximately 70 ?V, which determines
- the noise level of our current and voltage readings: the TED CTs
- are rated for200 amp circuits and a maximum of 3 volts, so we
- are able to differentiate between currents of approximately((200))(70 × 10?6)/(3)=4.66mA, corresponding to power changes
- of about 0.5 watts. Similarly, since we use a 1:100 voltage
- stepdown in the oscilloscope probe, we can detect voltage
- differences of about 7mV."
- sample_period:1
- max_sample_period:30
- measurements:- physical_quantity: power
- type: apparent
- upper_limit:50000
- lower_limit:0
- wireless: false
复制代码 ?3)building{i}.yaml包含了三部分内容:建筑实例信息、电表实例信息、电器实例信息。电表实例信息较为核心,包含了电表之间的层级关系以及对应数据在hdf5文件中存放的索引。
building1.yaml(示例):- instance:1 # this is the first building in the dataset
- original_name: house_1 # original name from REDD dataset
- elec_meters:1:
- site_meter: true
- device_model: REDD_whole_house # keys into meter_devices dictionary
- data_location: house_1/channel_1.dat
- 2:
- site_meter: true
- device_model: REDD_whole_house
- data_location: house_1/channel_2.dat
- 3:
- submeter_of:0 # '0' means 'one of the site_meters'. We don't know
- #whichsite meter feeds which appliance in REDD.
- device_model: eMonitor
- data_location: house_1/channel_3.dat
- 4:
- submeter_of:0
- device_model: eMonitor
- data_location: house_4/channel_4.dat
- appliances:- original_name: kitchen_outlets
- room: kitchen
- type: sockets # sockets is treated as an appliance
- instance:1
- multiple: true # likely to be more than 1 socket
- meters:[7]- original_name: kitchen_outlets
- room: kitchen
- type: sockets
- instance:2 # 2nd instance of 'sockets' in this building
- multiple: true # likely to be more than 1 socket
- meters:[8]- original_name: lighting
- type: light
- instance:1
- multiple: true # likely to be more than 1 light
- meters:[9]- original_name: lighting
- type: light
- instance:2 # 2nd instance of 'light' in this building
- multiple: true
- meters:[17]- original_name: lighting
- type: light
- instance:3 # 3rd instance of 'light' in this building
- multiple: true
- meters:[18]- original_name: bathroom_gfi # ground fault interrupter
- room: bathroom
- type: unknown
- instance:1
- multiple: true
- meters:[12]
复制代码 1.2 运行转化脚本
?注意,如果要使用上面的脚本,yaml文件的命名、内部格式,以及字段取值范围,必须遵从一定的规则,简单示例可以在这个文档中找到,否则该脚本在运行检查时会报错,除非你去修改它的central_meta。- convert_yaml_to_hdf5(yaml_dir, hdf_filename)
复制代码 2.创建序列数据的DataFrame
1)时间戳转换- a =str(testdf.index[0]) # a数据类型为字符串
- timeArray = time.strptime(a,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # 数据类型为time.struct_time
- timeStamp =int(time.mktime(timeArray)) # 数据类型为10位数字时间戳
复制代码 2)设置多层标签- test.columns =[['power'],['apparent']]
复制代码 3.添加DataFrame到hdf5中
- store = pd.HDFStore(r'test.hdf5')for i,subset in enumerate(subsets,start=1):
- test = Energys[subset][['时间', f'{subset}']].set_index('时间')
- test.columns =[['power'],['apparent']]
- test.index.name ='time'
- store.append(f'building1/elec/meter{i}', test) # 该地址需要与building<i>.yaml下的elec_meters相一致
- store.close()
复制代码 至此,NILMKT格式的数据集制作完毕。
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