1 第一部分:数据可视化- import pandas as pd
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import numpy as np
- data = pd.read_csv("data.csv")
- #print(data)
- n = int(data.max(axis = 0, skipna = True)[1]) + 1 # gets the number of readings
- h = int(data.max(axis = 0, skipna = True)[0]) # gets the number of houses
- houses = np.zeros((n,5,h)) # time, tv inst power, aggr power, filtered tv , on/off
- for i in range(h):
- houses[:,0:3,i] = data[data['House']==i+1 ].values[:,1:] # data is now seperated by house
- # visulise data
- plt.figure()
- plt.suptitle('Tv power and agg power seperated ')
- plt.subplot(211)
- for i in range(h):
- plt.plot(houses[:,0,i],houses[:,1,i], label = 'House ' + str(i+1) )
- plt.subplot(212)
- for i in range(h):
- plt.plot(houses[:,0,i],houses[:,2,i], label = 'House ' + str(i+1) )
- plt.legend()
- # plt.show()
- plt.figure()
- plt.suptitle('Normalised data, shown by house')
- for i in range(h):
- plt.subplot(3,1,i+1)
- plt.plot(houses[:,0,i],houses[:,1,i]/np.average(houses[:,1,i]) )
- plt.plot(houses[:, 0, i], houses[:, 2, i]/np.average( houses[:, 2, i]) )
- plt.legend()
- plt.show()
复制代码 实验结果:
过滤并标准化电视即时功率- from scipy.signal import *
- houses[:,3,:] = savgol_filter(houses[:, 1, :] / np.average(houses[:, 1, :],axis=0), 11, 2,axis=0)
- thres = 1.15 # the threshold for seperation
- plt.figure()
- plt.suptitle('Filtered inst power, and determined state')
- for i in range(h):
- houses[ np.argwhere( houses[:,3,i] >= thres ) ,4,i ] +=1 # makes the 4th row qual to 1 if the filtered result is higher then the threshold
- plt.subplot(3, 1, i + 1)
- plt.plot( houses[:, 0, i],houses[:, 3, i] ) # plot filtered curve
- plt.plot(houses[:, 0, i], houses[:, 4, i]) # plot on state
- plt.plot(houses[:, 0, i], houses[:, 1, i] / np.average(houses[:, 1, i])) # plot normalised curve
- plt.show()
复制代码 实验结果:
2 卷积神经网络实现负荷识别- #总功率问题
- # - 存在非常大的峰
- # - 其他电器出现的一些周期性峰值,这些在每个房子中的频率不同
- # - 噪声/峰值平坦度与一号房的电视电源使用量相似
- # 想法
- # - 针对开/关状态测试/检查
- # - 测试/检查状态改变的时间
- # - 使用 CNN/ANN/MLP 进行分类
- # - 输入应该是整个时间,还是 N 个时间步长的夹头
- # - N 时间步长意味着它可以推广到不同的测试输入大小
- # - 然后应该建立这 N 个大输入的训练集和测试集,每一张幻灯片
- # - 允许在输入中打开状态的位置进行概括
- # - 输出N 1/0(或开启的概率,然后是阈值)每个时间步对应的输出
复制代码- import numpy as np
- from keras.layers import Dense
- from keras.layers import Flatten
- from keras.layers import Dropout
- from keras.models import Sequential
- from keras.layers.convolutional import Conv1D
- from keras.layers.convolutional import MaxPooling1D
- def sep_data(houses, T=0.8):
- # seperate the house data into windowed sections winin each house
- # split into training (T%) and test set, no validation set is being used
- # record the class as a one hot vector of if the last state is on/off
- window_len = 20
- #at size 20 the classifier was classfiing the periodic sections as the tv being on in house one #filter sized 6,3 wights 1.8,1
- #at length 30 a similar thing happened, filters 6,3 weights at 3:1, not as accurate as ^
- # at 10, with 3,3, stride and 2.2:1 similar problems
- ntrain = int((n-window_len)*T) # amount of data from each house to train on
- train = np.zeros((ntrain*h,window_len,1,2)) # [#windows x samples per window x 1(as only one input feature) x 2 (for rata, and weights)
- test = np.zeros( ( (n-window_len-ntrain)*h,window_len,1,2) )
- for j in range(h): #each house
- for i in range(n-window_len):
- train_index = i+j*ntrain ## which row in the reformatted array is being filled
- test_index = i-ntrain + j*(n-window_len-ntrain)
- if i<ntrain: #part of training set
- train[train_index,:,:,0 ] =np.reshape(houses[i:i+window_len,2,j] , (window_len,1)) # window up the aggregated power
- #train[train_index, :,:,1] = np.reshape(houses[i:i + window_len,4, j], (window_len,1)) # no longer used, was used when every state in window was a class
- train[train_index, 0 , :, 1] = houses[i + window_len, 4, j] # identify state of last step in window
- train[train_index, 1, :, 1] = -(train[train_index, 0 , :, 1] -1) # one hot encode the category,cat 0 = on, cat 1 = off
- else: # test set
- test[test_index , :,:, 0] =np.reshape( houses[i:i + window_len, 2, j], (window_len,1))
- #test[test_index), :,:, 1] = np.reshape(houses[i:i + window_len, 4, j], (window_len,1))
- test[test_index, 0, :, 1] = houses[i + window_len, 4, j]
- test[test_index, 1, :, 1] = -(test[test_index, 0, :, 1] - 1)
- #return train[:,:,:,0],train[:,:,0,1],test[:,:,:,0],test[:,:,0,1]
- # how uneven is the data? this could be a problem when training, as a large group can overpower and always be predicted
- wratio = np.sum(train[:,1,:,1])/np.sum(train[:,0,:,1])
- print(wratio)
- return train[:,:,:,0],train[:,0:2,0,1],test[:,:,:,0],test[:,0:2,0,1]
- # 训练与评估CNN模型
- def run_model(trainx, trainy, testx, testy):
- verbose, epochs, batch_size = 0, 10, 64
- n_timesteps, n_features, n_outputs = trainx.shape[1], trainx.shape[2], trainy.shape[1]
- # 使用 keras 构建卷积神经网络
- #卷积应该有希望识别窗口时间序列数据中的特征,以指示最终时间状态
- model = Sequential()
- model.add(Conv1D(filters=120, kernel_size=6, activation='sigmoid', input_shape=(n_timesteps, n_features)))
- model.add(Conv1D(filters=120, kernel_size=3, activation='sigmoid'))
- model.add(Dropout(0.5)) #这一层有助于规范化,并希望减少对训练集的过度拟合
- model.add(MaxPooling1D(pool_size=2))
- model.add(Flatten()) # 展平
- model.add(Dense(100, activation='sigmoid')) #全连接层
- model.add(Dense(n_outputs, activation='softmax')) # 在这里使用 softmax 来预测每个类中的概率
- #当每个时间步被预测为开或关时使用,sigmoid函数可以作为多个类,并且需要不同的损失度量
- model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy'])
- # 编译模型
- model.summary()
- model.fit(trainx, trainy, epochs=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=verbose, class_weight = {0:2.2,1:1 }) # 实施类权重以修复类不平衡,并停止对所有状态进行预测
- # 评估模型
- pr = model.predict(testx)
- pt = model.predict(trainx)
- plt.figure()
- ax1 = plt.subplot(211)
- ax1.title.set_text('Training set')
- ax1.plot(np.round(pt[:,0]), label = 'Predicted class')
- ax1.plot(trainy[:,0], label ='class (1=on) ' )
- ax1.plot(pt[:, 0], label='Class probability')
- ax2 = plt.subplot(212)
- ax2.title.set_text('Test set')
- ax2.plot(np.round(pr[:, 0]), label = 'Predicted class')
- ax2.plot(testy[:, 0],label ='class (1=on) ' )
- ax2.plot(pr[:, 0],label='Class probability')
- ax2.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.05), fancybox=True, shadow=True, ncol=3)
- plt.show()
- loss1, accuracy = model.evaluate(testx, testy, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=0)
- loss2, at = model.evaluate(trainx, trainy, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=0)
- print('Training accuracy: %.3f ' % at)
- print('Training loss: %.3f ' % loss2)
- print('Test accuracy: %.3f' % accuracy)
- print('Test loss: %.3f' % loss1)
- return accuracy,model
- #模型评估
- def model_variability(scores):
- print(scores)
- m, s = np.mean(scores), np.std(scores)
- print('Accuracy: %.3f%% (+/-%.3f)' % (m, s))
- #将数据重新格式化为训练集和测试集。
- # 数据正在加窗,最后一次的开/关状态记录在一个热向量中
- trainx, trainy, testx, testy = sep_data(houses)
- repeats = 3
- scores = list()
- for r in range(repeats):
- score,model = run_model(trainx, trainy, testx, testy)
- score *=100.0
- print('>#%d: %.3f' % (r + 1, score))
- scores.append(score)
- model_variability(scores)
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