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unity 监听导入资源

发表于 2022-2-19 16:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

public class ImportAsset : AssetPostprocessor


    /// <summary>

  /// 纹理导入之后调用

  /// </summary>

  static void OnPostprocessAllAssets(string[] importedAssets, string[] deletedAssets, string[] movedAssets, string[] movedFromAssetPaths)



   /// <summary>

  /// 纹理导入之前调用

  /// </summary>

  void OnPreprocessTexture()



  /// <summary>

  /// 音频资源导入完成之前调用

  /// </summary>

  private void OnPreprocessAudio()


    AudioImporter _importer = (AudioImporter)assetImporter;

    _importer.preloadAudioData = true;


  /// <summary>

  /// 从模型(.fbx,.mb文件等)导入动画之前调用

  /// </summary>

  private void OnPreprocessAnimation()


    ModelImporter _importer = (ModelImporter)assetImporter;


  /// <summary>

  /// 模型导入之前调用

  /// </summary>

  private void OnPreprocessModel()


    ModelImporter _importer = (ModelImporter)assetImporter;


  /// <summary>

  /// 音频资源导入完成之后调用

  /// </summary>

  /// <param name="clip"></param>

  private void OnPostprocessAudio(AudioClip clip)


    Debug.Log("导入音频:" + clip.name);

    AudioImporter _importer = (AudioImporter)assetImporter;


  /// <summary>

  /// 模型导入完成之后调用

  /// </summary>

  /// <param name="g"></param>

  private void OnPostprocessModel(GameObject g)


    Debug.Log("导入模型:" + g.name);


  /// <summary>

  /// 精灵的纹理导入完成之后调用

  /// </summary>

  /// <param name="texture"></param>

  /// <param name="sprites"></param>

  private void OnPostprocessSprites(Texture2D texture, Sprite[] sprites)


    Debug.Log("导入纹理:" + texture.name);




using System.Collections;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using UnityEngine;


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using Unity.Notifications.Android;

using UnityEngine;

public class AndroidNotificationSender : MonoBehaviour


  private static bool _isInitialized;

  private static List<NotificationInfo> _notificationInfos;

  private static int _notificationId = 1;

  private static void Init()


    if (_isInitialized)


    _notificationInfos = new List<NotificationInfo>();


    var notificationGo = new GameObject("NotificationBehaviour").AddComponent<NotificationSender>();


    _isInitialized = true;


  private static void ResetNotificationChannel()


    _notificationId = 1;


    var channel = new AndroidNotificationChannel()


      Id = "channel_id",

      Name = "Default Channel",

      Importance = Importance.High,

      Description = "Generic notifications",

      CanShowBadge = true,

      EnableLights = true,

      LockScreenVisibility = LockScreenVisibility.Public




  protected static void ReSendNotification()


    if (_isInitialized && _notificationInfos != null && _notificationInfos.Count > 0)



      for (var i = 0; i < _notificationInfos.Count; i++)






  public static void SendNotification(string title, string text, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, string smallIconId = null, string largeIconId = null)



    var notificationInfo = new NotificationInfo()


      title = title,

      text = text,

      day = day,

      hour = hour,

      minute = minute,

      second = second,

      smallIcon = smallIconId,

      largeIcon = largeIconId





  public static void SendRepeatNotification(string title,string text)



    DateTime now = DateTime.Now;

    AndroidNotification notification = new AndroidNotification


      Title = title,

      Text = text,

      FireTime = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, 12, 0, 0).AddDays(1),

      RepeatInterval = new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0),

      IntentData = "{\"title\": \"Notification 1\", \"data\": \"200\"}",

      ShouldAutoCancel = true


    AndroidNotificationCenter.SendNotification(notification, "channel_id");


  private static void SendNotification(NotificationInfo notificationInfo)//string title, string text,DateTime time,string smallIconId=null,string largeIconId=null)


    DateTime now = DateTime.Now;

    var time = NotificationSender.GetNotificationTime(notificationInfo);

    var notification = new AndroidNotification()


      Title = notificationInfo.title,

      Text = notificationInfo.text,

      FireTime = time,

      SmallIcon = notificationInfo.smallIcon,

      LargeIcon = notificationInfo.largeIcon,

      Number = _notificationId



    AndroidNotificationCenter.SendNotification(notification, "channel_id");





using System;

using System.Collections;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using UnityEngine;

using Unity.Notifications.iOS;

public class iOSNotificationSender:MonoBehaviour


   private static bool _isInitialized = false;

   private static int _notificationId = 1;

   private static List<NotificationInfo> _notificationInfos;

  // Start is called before the first frame update

  private static void Init()




    _notificationInfos = new List<NotificationInfo>();


    var notificationGo= new GameObject("NotificationBehaviour").AddComponent<NotificationSender>();


    _isInitialized = true;


  private static void ResetNotificationChannel()


    _notificationId = 1;





  protected static void ReSendNotification()


    if (_isInitialized&&_notificationInfos!=null && _notificationInfos.Count > 0)



      for (var i = 0; i < _notificationInfos.Count; i++)






  public static void SendNotification(string title, string text,int day,int hour,int minute,int second ,string smallIconId=null,string largeIconId=null)



    var notificationInfo = new NotificationInfo()


      title = title,



      hour = hour,

      minute = minute,

      second = second,





  private static void SendNotification(NotificationInfo notificationInfo)//string title, string text,TimeSpan timeInterval)


    var time = NotificationSender.GetNotificationTime(notificationInfo);

    var timeInterval =time.Subtract(DateTime.Now);

    var timeTrigger = new iOSNotificationTimeIntervalTrigger()


      TimeInterval = new TimeSpan(timeInterval.Days, timeInterval.Hours, timeInterval.Minutes, timeInterval.Seconds),// timeInterval,

//      TimeInterval = new TimeSpan(0,0,0,5),// timeInterval,

      Repeats = false


    var notification = new iOSNotification()


      // You can optionally specify a custom identifier which can later be

      // used to cancel the notification, if you don't set one, a unique

      // string will be generated automatically.

      Identifier = "_notification_"+ _notificationId,

      Title = notificationInfo.title,

      Body = notificationInfo.text,

      Badge = _notificationId,

      ShowInForeground = true,

      ForegroundPresentationOption = (PresentationOption.Alert | PresentationOption.Sound | PresentationOption.Badge),

      CategoryIdentifier = "category_a",

      ThreadIdentifier = "thread1",

      Trigger = timeTrigger,







public class NotificationInfo


  public string title;

  public string text;

  public int day;

  public int hour;

  public int minute;

  public int second;

  public string smallIcon;

  public string largeIcon;


public class NotificationSender :







  private void OnApplicationFocus(bool hasFocus)


    if (hasFocus)



      SendRepeatNotification(string.Empty, "Daily rewards can be claimed!");



  /// <summary>

  /// 得到注册通知的时间

  /// </summary>

  /// <returns></returns>

  public static DateTime GetNotificationTime(NotificationInfo notificationInfo)


    var daySpan = new TimeSpan(notificationInfo.day, 0, 0, 0);

    var dateTime = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, notificationInfo.hour, notificationInfo.minute, notificationInfo.second);

    dateTime += daySpan;

    Debug.Log("RegisterNotification:" + dateTime);

    //if (dateTime.Hour >= 23)


    //  dateTime += new TimeSpan(9, 0, 0);


    //if (dateTime.Hour <= 8)


    //  dateTime += new TimeSpan(8 - dateTime.Hour, 0, 0);


    // Debug.Log("LinneaNotify 发出通知时间 : " + dateTime);

    return dateTime;


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