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Looking Glass全息显示器增加了逼真的3D Unreal引擎

发表于 2021-2-2 20:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
随着裸眼3D显示技术的发展,Looking Glass Factory的屏幕在显示全息内容方面已经给人留下了深刻的印象——立体的3D视频,多达十二个人可以从不同角度同时观看。 今天,Looking Glass Factory增加了Unreal插件来扩展对主流计算机内容制作的支持,使开发人员能够创建逼真的3D对象和环境,并将其展现在全息显示器中。
As glasses-free 3D display technologies go, Looking Glass Factory’s screens were already impressive at displaying holographic content — volumetric 3D video that up to a dozen people can view simultaneously from different angles. Today, the company is expanding its support for popular computer-generated content with the release of an Unreal Engine plugin, enabling developers to create photorealistic 3D objects and environments that float within the prism-like displays.
在支持Unreal之前,Looking Glass屏幕可以显示多台摄像机捕获的体积视频,以及在Unity中创建更简单的CG内容。 而Unreal引擎的一流3D渲染功能使开发人员能够为科幻电视节目,天气预报节目的混合现实体验以及无数的游戏创建视觉效果,这些照片通常具有真实感,足以模糊现实与CGI之间的界线。
Prior to Unreal support, Looking Glass screens could display volumetric video footage captured by multiple cameras, as well as simpler CG content created in Unity. But Unreal Engine’s best-in-class 3D rendering capabilities have allowed developers to create visuals for sci-fi TV shows, Weather Channel mixed reality experiences, and untold numbers of games, often photorealistic enough to blur the line between reality and CGI.
用Unreal引擎全息渲染的汽车看起来与真实车辆没有区别,但是使用显示器的触摸控件可以在3D中360度旋转。随着时间的流逝,全息术有望成为企业的重要可视化工具,并成为零售商使用虚拟3D内容吸引注意力的一种普遍的方式。与依靠用户戴眼镜并可能随身携带控制器的增强现实解决方案不同,Looking Glass的全息屏幕是完全独立的,不需要眼镜,但是可以保证任何用户都可以看到它们的内容。
A car rendered holographically with Unreal Engine could look indistinguishable from the real vehicle, yet be fully rotatable in 3D using the display’s touch controls. Over time, holography is expected to become a critical visualization tool for businesses, as well as a popular way for retailers to attract attention using virtual 3D content. Unlike augmented reality solutions that depend on users to wear glasses and potentially carry around controllers, Looking Glass’s holographic screens are fully self-contained, with no need for glasses, yet their content is guaranteed to be visible to any user.
Looking Glass生产8.9英寸,15.6英寸和32英寸(8K)全息显示器,所有这些都支持新插件。目前所有产品的定位都是面向企业和开发者,而不是普通消费者。插件开发人员还可以使用Leap Motion控制器,从而实现无触摸手势控制,以替代实际触摸显示器或操纵杆的方法。
Looking Glass makes 8.9-inch, 15.6-inch, and 32-inch (8K) holographic displays, all of which support the new plugin. All of the screens are intended for use by businesses rather than typical consumers. Plugin developers can also use the Leap Motion Controller, enabling touch-free gesture controls as an alterative to physically touching the display or a joypad.
早在2019年4月,该虚幻引擎插件的开发商Geodesic Games就展示了他们UE4 SDK的预发行版,实际针对Looking Glass全系显示器的虚幻引擎插件的开发工作已经进行了一年的时间。
新插件支持Unreal Engine 4.24,基于Visual Studio 2019,仅支持Windows。
Unreal Engine support for Looking Glass has been in the works for roughly a year, as Geodesic Games showed off a prerelease version of the UE4 SDK in April 2019. At the time, the developer said it built custom lenticular shaders and input systems that enabled Unreal objects to be rendered simultaneously from multiple perspectives and controlled through either touchscreen or controller input. The finished plugin supports Unreal Engine 4.24, requires Visual Studio 2019, and is Windows only.

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