<a href="http://link.zhihu.com/?target=https%3A//www.bilibili.com/video/BV1P54y1B78G" data-draft-node="block" data-draft-type="link-card" class=" external" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer">https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1P54y1B78G因为我一直是用PlayMaker,所以对Unity收购Bolt感觉有点想法,毕竟PM学了那么久。如果今后Bolt发展的不错,PM肯定用的人会越来越少,然后更新也就逐渐没了;然后抱着试试看的心态下载了Bolt,几分钟就可以上手并且做项目,用起来其实和PM差不多(前提是你PM用的还比较熟),你只要用PM做过项目,对程序有大概的理解,用这个基本就是多熟悉下就好了;
Playmaker很多update函数内的功能实现是手动打开或者关闭每个action的 Every frame的开关,所以你大部分时间并不关心是每帧函数还是开始函数,只是关心游戏该怎么做,如果需要每帧检测才会打开,然后这个状态机的这个Action就会包含在Update里了;这完全是俩种思路,所以我说这个Bolt完全还是给程序员用的,Bolt的Update函数需要一直往下连,你如果忘记连了,某些功能就会不会计入到Update的函数内;PM才是真正另外一套思路,他关心的是我开始要干嘛,接着要干嘛,如果我要把某个功能希望接入到Update的每帧更新函数,就打开Every Frame的开关,符合没有程序思维的游戏开发,我的总结是其实bolt对游戏开发的程序门槛是比PM要高的;
Yes, Let&#39;s see how/what Unity will do with this, but indeed, if you can use Bolt you can code just as good, because it&#39;s a one to one relationship with the coding strategy ( they do have some modules like an FSM, so that&#39;s good of course), they just can&#39;t afford to provide the same system as Playmaker because by nature, it doesn&#39;t scale because for every new api you have to provide a hand written custom Action, yet that&#39;s the best approach for the end developer because you can then provide more features around that api then simply exposing it, which is why PlayMaker will always have a tremendous advantages in terms of production speed and design workflow.
Also, Bolt as is it not ready for production because of the performance impact at runtime ( because it soley relies on reflections which is costly in terms of perfs), let&#39;s see how Bolt 2 performs, hopefully they can improve on that.
Bolt是一种典型的线性程序型思维,每个功能的前后关系都要考虑,注重程序的严谨;Playmaker是一种发散型思维,散乱的做,做到哪里想到哪里,随心所欲,发现bug再去纠正;但这样在前期的创作中非常重要,我没有去花大的精力考虑那些需要注重的程序先后关系,而把精力完全花在了创意上面。 |