Unity开发者联盟 图文首页
  • Unity如何将2d和3d元素组合使用至gui中


    This post explains how to create a GUI on the Unity3D game engine that has both 2D and 3D elements in it. Some may say that is just a matter of setting up a new camera with a dedicated culli ...

    唐三藏 |2012-12-18 22:29:34 |87

  • Unity创建2d游戏系列教程之三


    My next game is going to be 2D, but the backgrounds will be forced perspective to give the scene a 3D appearance. Before the artists starts artifying the final backgrounds in Photoshop, I wa ...

    U侠 |2012-12-18 22:04:24 |91

  • Unity创建2d游戏系列教程之二


    This is part 2 of a multi-part series on making 2D games with Unity3D. Part 1covered the basic tools you’ll need, some basic concepts, and initial camera and scene setup. Part 2 focuses mos ...

    U侠 |2012-12-18 22:02:43 |58

  • Unity创建2d游戏系列教程之一


    One of my goals for 2011 is to write at least one new blog post every week. I’m going to kick off that goal this week by starting a multi-part series on creating 2D games with Unity3D. Plea ...

    U侠 |2012-12-18 22:00:50 |41

  • 编程教父的Uinty3D第一讲分享


    编程教父的Uinty3D第一讲分享 观看地址 http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/Yio90imcs9g 包学包会,学会为止。 QQ交流群: ①群 81130277

    雨中漫步 |2012-12-18 17:15:10 |85

  • Unity3D脚本之间互相调用


    简洁明了的一篇基础教程,对脚本使用比较陌生的新手可以学习下! Unity3d可以用脚本实现不少功能,把咱们的学习难度降到很低了,基本上只要会C++,就可以参照Unity3D的脚本说明,编写脚本,不可谓不方便, ...

    U侠 |2012-12-17 13:04:01 |85

  • Unity3D内置Shader详解


    Transparent Cutout Shader Family是对半透明对象Shader的一类补充,与Transparent Shader Family有所区别的是:Cutout Shader Faimily中的Shaders不允许绘制部分透明的区域。就是说,使用这种Shader绘制 ...

    U侠 |2012-12-17 12:57:54 |84

  • flash与unity3d常用术语比较


    非常有用的术语对照列表整理,如果你是一位flash技术从业者。 If you’re thinking of transitioning from Flash to Unity 3D, you’re in luck: the two programs are very similar, and it shouldn’t ...

    money |2012-12-17 12:41:49 |52

  • Flash To Unity3D常用技巧整理

    Flash To Unity3D常用技巧整理

    非常实用的技巧整理,特别是对学习过flash的朋友! i’ve been using Unity3D on and off for a week now. i’d burned through about a dozen beginner tutorials, and am a little overwhelmed by how ...

    money |2012-12-17 12:40:15 |73

  • Unity3D 中Transform,Physics,Vector3,Quaternion教程

    Unity3D 中Transform,Physics,Vector3,Quaternion教程

    Transform 变换,是场景中最常打交道的类,用于控制物体的位移,旋转,缩放等功能。 Transform Class, inherits from Component, IEnumerable Position, rotation and scale of an object. 控制物体的 ...

    money |2012-12-17 12:33:54 |65





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