Memory Profiler | Memory Profiler | 1.0.0
早期版本的filters、dif等功能可以直接看具体某个物体的内存占用,新版本在Objects and Allocations里
其他版本的官方安装方式行不通,可以在Windows-Package Manager-Memory Profiler里点击See other versions
Filters-Diff-Group-Same/Deleted in B/New in B。。对比内存变化,但是Untracked Memory没法跟踪
Untracked Memory
There are the following gaps in memory tracking that contribute to the amount of Untracked Memory:
- Native Plug-in allocations
- The size of Executable and DLLs on some platforms
- Virtual Machine memory used by IL2CPP
- Application Stack memory
- Memory allocated using Marshal.AllocHGlobal
- Native memory allocated by a Unity subsystems that is not tracked correctly due to a bug
You can consult the Known Limitations section of the Documentation of Memory Profiler Package's latest version for an updated list/package manager-view changelog
To analyze this memory further, you will need to use a platform specific profiler.