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[简易教程] 【译】Ronja的Unity Shader教程(一)

发表于 2020-12-23 13:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
最近发现了一个很好的Unity入门Shader教程,作者貌似Twitter折腾的很多,是个逗逼。管他呢,反正这教程我认为很适合我这种图形学白痴,干脆转过来自己看看,原版在这,传送门: Ronja的Shader入门教程
言归正传,先从HLSL 基础开始。
Summary 就不翻译了。。
Unity Shaders are written in a custom environment called “Shaderlab”. With it we can customize a lot about how the material that will use our shader will be used internally. Inside of the shaderlab file we will also declare most of the logic of the shader in HLSL. Because Shaderlab is just a way to set some parameters in the material it’s pretty easy to learn how to set which parameter when we need it. HLSL is a bit more complex though so I’ll explain some of it’s basics here. Even though I try to explain everything in this tutorials, I sadly can’t explain every basic programming principle so I recommend you learn a different programming language before coming back to shaders.
Because this is the first tutorial in this series I tried to make it as simple as possible, if I failed to do that and assumed that you know things about shaders that you don’t, please contact me. In that case I’ll fix the tutorial to be more approachable. If the information in this tutorial is clear, but you have difficulties grasping the concepts because it’s all a bit theoretical, feel free to jump to the next tutorials where we will use the concepts in praxis which might make things clearer.
Variables 变量

HLSL 是静态的语言, 这意味着每个变量都有一个特定的数据类型,必须显式声明并且不能更改。我将在这里快速介绍一些类型,如果您需要更多信息,可以查看Unity文档的这个页面: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/SL-DataTypesAndPrecision.html
Scalar Types 标量类型

int integer = 3; //数字没有小数部分,省
fixed fixed_point = 0.5; //12位点定数,-2 到2
half low_precision = 3.14; //低精度浮点
float high_precision = 14.321; //高精度浮点Vector Types 向量类型

fixed4 color = fixed4(1, 0.67, 0.73, 1);
float3 position = float3(1, 1, 0);
float2 textureCoordinates = float2(0.5, 0.5);
position.xy = position.yx; //xy与yx的互换Matrix Types 矩阵类型

可以通过在标量类型后面写入[Dimension 1]x[Dimension 2]来创建矩阵。
float4x4 transformMatrix3d;
float2x2 rotationMatrix2d = {
    0, 1,
    -1, 0

float4 position;

position = transformMatrix3d * position;Samplers 采样器

sampler2d texture; //教程将主要使用2D纹理,但也可以将3D采样器提供给Shader。

float4 color = tex2D(texture, coordinates);Structs 结构体

struct InputData{
    float4 position;
    fixed4 color;
    half4 normal;

InputData data;
data.position = float4(1, 0, 0, 1);Functions 函数

float add(float arg1, float arg2){
    float sum = arg1 + arg2;
    return sum;

float function(){
    return add(3.5, 0.7);
}Include “”

写过C/C++ 的不用介绍了,类型动态语言的import “”
#include “IncludeFile.cginc”

void function(){
    functionDeclaredInIncludeFile(3, variableInIncludeFile);

You can also find me on twitter at@totallyRonja. If you liked my tutorial and want to support me you can do that on Patreon (patreon.com/RonjaTutorials) or Ko-Fi (ko-fi.com/RonjaTutorials).
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