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发表于 2023-2-22 10:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
date:   2019-03-01 8:10:54


首先在制作背包的界面时一定要搞清楚层级划分,依次为:背包背景、背包(slot holder)、格子(slots)、物品(item),它们依次为包含关系,层层递进。
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;

public class DragHandler : MonoBehaviour, IDragHandler, IEndDragHandler {

    public void OnDrag(PointerEventData eventData) {
        Vector3 mousePos = Input.mousePosition;
        mousePos.z = 10; // 有Vector2转为Vector3,并补全Z轴坐标
        mousePos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(mousePos); // 从Input获得的鼠标坐标是基于屏幕的,我们要将其转换成世界坐标
        transform.position = mousePos;

    public void OnEndDrag(PointerEventData eventData) {
        transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
下面是背包系统的实现,为了让背包中的道具能跨越场景一直存在,我们需要一个不会在场景结束时被销毁的类,且将其实现为一个单例,具体请看Inventory脚本中的Awake方法。这样我们就可以将道具信息存进一个 List 并维护了。
在我的配置中 GameManager 并不是单例且会被销毁,因此在每个场景初始化时它会一并初始化背包信息。显示道具的思路是,先创建一个prefab,它附有拖动脚本和图标,遍历Inventory中储存的所有道具,每有一个道具就生成一个这个prefab,并将道具的图标传入,然后把它放在最近的一个空格上(根据拖拽脚本,需要一并设置好parent),这样玩家就能在背包界面看到道具并用UI的逻辑对其进行交互。
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class Inventory : MonoBehaviour {

    public GameObject leftSlotsParent;
    public GameObject ItemPrefab;
    public int score = 0;
    public int InventorySize = 16;
    public List<Item> items = new List<Item>();  // inventory info
    public Item bd1;
    public Item bd2;
    public Item bd3;
    public Item bd4;
    public Item bd5;
    public Item bd6;

    public delegate void OnItemChanged();
    public OnItemChanged callback;

    static Inventory instance;
    GameObject[] slots;

    private void Awake() {
        if (instance != null) {
        instance = this;

    public static Inventory GetInstance() {
        return instance;

    public void Add(Item item) {
        if(items.Count >= InventorySize) {
            Debug.Log("Inventory Full!");
        if (callback != null)

    public void showItems() {
        // 将放入背包的物品显示在UI上
        foreach (Item item in items) {
            GameObject emptySlot = getEmptySlot();
            emptySlot.GetComponent<DropHandler>().isOccupied = true;
            GameObject clone = Instantiate(ItemPrefab, emptySlot.transform.position, emptySlot.transform.rotation);
            clone.transform.localScale = new Vector2(3, 2);
            clone.GetComponent<Image>().sprite = item.icon;
            clone.GetComponent<DragHandler>().item = item;

    GameObject getEmptySlot() {
        leftSlotsParent = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("LeftSlot");
        GameObject cur = leftSlotsParent.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject;
        if (cur.GetComponent<DropHandler>().isOccupied == true) {
            for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
                cur = leftSlotsParent.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject;
                if (cur.GetComponent<DropHandler>().isOccupied == false)

        return cur;

    public void Remove(Item item) {
using UnityEngine;

[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "new item", menuName = "Inventory/Item")]
public class Item : ScriptableObject {

    public Sprite icon = null;

    public float healthBuff;
    public float damageBuff;
    public float attackSpeedBuff;
    public float bulletSpeedBuff;
    public float strikeRateBuff;
    public float sheildBuff;
    public float cost;
    public string description;

    public Item(float _health, float _damage, float _attackSpeed, float _bulletSpeed, float _strikeRate, float _sheild, float _cost) {
        healthBuff = _health;
        damageBuff = _damage;
        attackSpeedBuff = _attackSpeed;
        bulletSpeedBuff = _bulletSpeed;
        strikeRateBuff = _strikeRate;
        sheildBuff = _sheild;
        cost = _cost;

    public void removeFromInventory() {
最后用一个EquipmentManager来管理道具和装备道具引起的主角属性变更,它和Inventory都被挂在一个不会被销毁的 GameObject 上,在UI界面拖动道具时,会有相应的调用,详见下篇博客。
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class EquipmentManager : MonoBehaviour {

    Inventory inventory;
    const int space = 3;
    static EquipmentManager instance;
    List<Item> currentEquipped;  // equipped info

    private void Awake() {
        if (instance == null)
            instance = this;

    public static EquipmentManager GetInstance() {
        return instance;

    public List<Item> getEquipped() {
        return currentEquipped;

    void Start() {
        inventory = Inventory.GetInstance();

    public void initialize() {
        currentEquipped = new List<Item>();

    public void equip(Item item) {
        if (currentEquipped.Count < space && !currentEquipped.Contains(item)) {
            // 装备生效
            FindObjectOfType<PlayerMover>().health += item.healthBuff;
            FindObjectOfType<PlayerMover>().maxHealth += item.healthBuff;
            FindObjectOfType<PlayerMover>().damage += item.damageBuff;
            FindObjectOfType<BulletSpawner>().attackSpeed *= (1 + item.attackSpeedBuff);
            FindObjectOfType<PlayerMover>().attackSpeed *= (1 + item.attackSpeedBuff);
            FindObjectOfType<PlayerMover>().bulletSpeed *= (1 + item.bulletSpeedBuff);
            FindObjectOfType<PlayerMover>().strikeRate += item.strikeRateBuff;
            FindObjectOfType<PlayerMover>().sheildVal += item.sheildBuff;

    public void unequip(Item item) {
        if (currentEquipped.Contains(item)) {
            // 装备失效
            FindObjectOfType<PlayerMover>().health -= item.healthBuff;
            FindObjectOfType<PlayerMover>().maxHealth -= item.healthBuff;
            FindObjectOfType<PlayerMover>().damage -= item.damageBuff;
            FindObjectOfType<BulletSpawner>().attackSpeed /= (1 + item.attackSpeedBuff);
            FindObjectOfType<PlayerMover>().attackSpeed /= (1 + item.attackSpeedBuff);
            FindObjectOfType<PlayerMover>().bulletSpeed /= (1 + item.bulletSpeedBuff);
            FindObjectOfType<PlayerMover>().strikeRate -= item.strikeRateBuff;
            FindObjectOfType<PlayerMover>().sheildVal -= item.sheildBuff;


using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class ShopManager : MonoBehaviour {

    public GameObject tableView;
    public GameObject itemsView;
    public GameObject shopSlotHolder;
    public GameObject price1;
    public GameObject Icon1;
    public GameObject price2;
    public GameObject Icon2;
    public GameObject price3;
    public GameObject Icon3;

    private Item[] shopSlots;
    private GameObject[] icons = new GameObject[3];
    public Item bd1;
    public Item bd2;
    public Item bd3;
    public Item bd4;
    public Item bd5;
    public Item bd6;

    Item[] itemPool;
    int poolSize = 6;

    private void Start() {
        shopSlots = new Item[3];
        itemPool = new Item[poolSize];
        itemPool[0] = bd1;
        itemPool[1] = bd2;
        itemPool[2] = bd3;
        itemPool[3] = bd4;
        itemPool[4] = bd5;
        itemPool[5] = bd6;

        icons[0] = Icon1;
        icons[1] = Icon2;
        icons[2] = Icon3;

    void initiateShop() {
        int index1 = Mathf.RoundToInt(Random.Range(0, 6));
        int index2 = index1;
        while(index2 == index1) {
            index2 = Mathf.RoundToInt(Random.Range(0, 6));
        int index3 = index1;
        while (index3 == index1 || index3 == index2) {
            index3 = Mathf.RoundToInt(Random.Range(0, 6));
        shopSlots[0] = itemPool[index1];
        shopSlots[1] = itemPool[index2];
        shopSlots[2] = itemPool[index3];

        // 显示图标
        Icon1.GetComponent<Image>().sprite = shopSlots[0].icon;
        Icon2.GetComponent<Image>().sprite = shopSlots[1].icon;
        Icon3.GetComponent<Image>().sprite = shopSlots[2].icon;

        // 显示价格
        price1.GetComponent<Text>().text = shopSlots[0].cost.ToString();
        price2.GetComponent<Text>().text = shopSlots[1].cost.ToString();
        price3.GetComponent<Text>().text = shopSlots[2].cost.ToString();

        // 显示描述
        shopSlotHolder.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(2).GetComponent<Text>().text = shopSlots[0].description;
        shopSlotHolder.transform.GetChild(1).GetChild(2).GetComponent<Text>().text = shopSlots[1].description;
        shopSlotHolder.transform.GetChild(2).GetChild(2).GetComponent<Text>().text = shopSlots[2].description;

        // 初始化slot下标
        shopSlotHolder.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.GetComponent<Slot>().index = 0;
        shopSlotHolder.transform.GetChild(1).gameObject.GetComponent<Slot>().index = 1;
        shopSlotHolder.transform.GetChild(2).gameObject.GetComponent<Slot>().index = 2;

    public int selectedIndex = -1;

    public void buy() {
        if (selectedIndex != -1) {
            if (buy(shopSlots[selectedIndex])) {
                Debug.Log("Destroy icon");

    bool buy(Item item) {
        int currentMoney = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("score", 0);
        if (item.cost <= currentMoney) {
            // 扣钱
            currentMoney -= (int)item.cost;
            PlayerPrefs.SetInt("score", currentMoney);
            // 更新背包
            Debug.Log("Item bought");
            return true;
        else {
            print("Not enough money");
            return false;

    public void showItemsView() {

    public void showTableView() {

    public void backToLevel() {
        print("backing to level...");

    public void backToMap() {
        print("Backing to Map");
public class Slot : MonoBehaviour {
    public int index;
    public ShopManager shopManager;

    public void select() {
        shopManager.selectedIndex = index;
        Debug.Log("Item select");


将Canvas的render mode改为Screen Space-Camera,然后把Main Camera拖到Render Camera上。



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