- /*记录每个字符出现的次数*/typedefstructwordcnt{char ch;int cnt=0;}Count;/*整个字符串的字符构成*/typedefstructNumCount{
- Count count[MaxSize];int length=0;}NumCount;/*核心哈夫曼树*/typedefstructHTree{char data;int weight;int parent,lchild,rchild;}HTNode,*HuffmanTree;/*树的节点的编码*/typedefstructHCode{char data;char* str;}*HuffmanCode;
复制代码 函数申明
- voidReadData(char*source);// 读入文件 voidWordCount(char*data,NumCount *paraCnt);// 统计次数 voidShow(NumCount *paraCnt);// 展示次数 voidCreateHuffmanTree(HuffmanTree &HT,int length,NumCount cntarray);// 创建哈夫曼树 voidselect(HuffmanTree HT,int top,int*s1,int*s2);// 选择权重最小的两个节点 voidCreateHuffmanCode(HuffmanTree HT,HuffmanCode &HC,int length);// 创建哈夫曼编码 voidEncode(char*data,HuffmanCode HC,int length);// 将读入的文件编码,写到txt文件 voidDecode(HuffmanTree HT,int length);//读入编码文件,解码
复制代码 读入文件
将我们需要压缩的字符串从文件读入到数组中- voidReadData(char*source){//打开文件读入数据
- ifstream infile;
- infile.open("in.txt");
- cout<<"Reading..."<<endl;
- cout<<"the input file is:"<<endl;
- infile.getline(source,MaxSize);
- cout<<source<<endl;
- infile.close();
- cout<<endl;}
复制代码 统计次数
统计读入的字符串中每个字符分别出现多少次- voidWordCount(char* data,NumCount* paraCnt){int flag;int len=strlen(data);for(int i=0;i<len;++i){
- flag=0;for(int j=0;j<paraCnt->length;++j){if(data[i]==paraCnt->count[j].ch){++paraCnt->count[j].cnt;
- flag=1;break;}}if(flag==0){
- paraCnt->count[paraCnt->length].ch=data[i];++paraCnt->count[paraCnt->length].cnt;++paraCnt->length;}}}
复制代码 展示次数
将每个字符及其出现的次数输出- voidShow(NumCount* paraCnt){
- cout<<"the length is "<<paraCnt->length<<endl;for(int i =0;i < paraCnt->length;++i){
- cout<<"The character "<<paraCnt->count[i].ch<<" appears "<<paraCnt->count[i].cnt<<endl;}
- cout<<endl;}
复制代码 创建哈夫曼树
核心哈夫曼树的构造,此处会多次调用select函数找到权重最小的两个节点- voidCreateHuffmanTree(HuffmanTree &HT,int length,NumCount cntarray){if(length<=1)printf("ERROR!!!\r\n");int s1,s2;int m = length*2-1;// 没有度为1的节点,则总结点是2*叶子节点数-1个
- HT = new HTNode[m+1];for(int i =1;i <= m;++i)// 初始化 {
- HT[i].parent =0;
- HT[i].lchild =0;
- HT[i].rchild =0;}for(int i =1;i <= length;++i){
- HT[i].data = cntarray.count[i-1].ch;
- HT[i].weight = cntarray.count[i-1].cnt;}for(int i = length +1;i <= m;++i){select(HT,i-1,&s1,&s2);// 从前面的范围里选择权重最小的两个节点
- HT[s1].parent = i;
- HT[s2].parent = i;
- HT[i].lchild = s1;
- HT[i].rchild = s2;
- HT[i].weight = HT[s1].weight + HT[s2].weight;// 得到一个新节点 }}
复制代码 选择权重最小的两个节点
- voidselect(HuffmanTree HT,int top,int* s1,int* s2){int min = INT_MAX;for(int i =1;i <= top;++i)// 选择没有双亲的节点中,权重最小的节点 {if(HT[i].weight < min && HT[i].parent ==0){
- min = HT[i].weight;*s1 = i;}}
- min = INT_MAX;for(int i =1;i <= top;++i)// 选择没有双亲的节点中,权重次小的节点 {if(HT[i].weight < min && i !=*s1 && HT[i].parent ==0){
- min = HT[i].weight;*s2 = i;}}}
复制代码 创建哈夫曼编码
将哈夫曼树中的每一个非空节点生成一个对应的01编码- voidCreateHuffmanCode(HuffmanTree HT,HuffmanCode &HC,int length){
- HC = new HCode[length+1];char*cd = new char[length];// 存储编码的临时空间
- cd[length-1]='\0';// 方便之后调用strcpy函数 int c,f,start;for(int i =1;i <= length;++i){
- start = length-1;// start表示编码在临时空间内的起始下标,由于是从叶子节点回溯,所以是从最后开始
- c = i;
- f = HT[c].parent;while(f !=0){--start;// 由于是回溯,所以从临时空间的最后往回计 if(HT[f].lchild == c)
- cd[start]='0';else
- cd[start]='1';
- c = f;
- f = HT[c].parent;}
- HC[i].str = new char[length-start];// 最后,实际使用的编码空间大小是length-start
- HC[i].data = HT[i].data;strcpy(HC[i].str,&cd[start]);// 从实际起始地址开始,拷贝到编码结构中 }
- delete[] cd;}
复制代码 将读入的文件编码,写到txt文件中
- voidEncode(char* data,HuffmanCode HC,int length){
- ofstream outfile;
- outfile.open("code.txt");for(int i =0;i <strlen(data);++i)// 依次读入数据,查找对应的编码,写入编码文件 {for(int j =1;j <= length;++j){if(data[i]== HC[j].data){
- outfile<<HC[j].str;}}}
- outfile.close();
- cout<<"the code txt has been written"<<endl;
- cout<<endl;}
复制代码 读入编码文件,解码
- voidDecode(HuffmanTree HT,int length){char codetxt[MaxSize*length];
- ifstream infile;
- infile.open("code.txt");
- infile.getline(codetxt,MaxSize*length);
- infile.close();
- ofstream outfile;
- outfile.open("out.txt");int root =2*length-1;// 从根节点开始遍历 for(int i =0;i <strlen(codetxt);++i){if(codetxt[i]=='0') root = HT[root].lchild;//为0表示向左遍历 elseif(codetxt[i]=='1') root = HT[root].rchild;//为1表示向右遍历 if(HT[root].lchild ==0&& HT[root].rchild ==0)// 如果已经是叶子节点,输出到输出文件中,然后重新回到根节点 {
- outfile<<HT[root].data;
- root =2*length-1;}}
- outfile.close();
- cout<<"the output txt has been written"<<endl;
- cout<<endl;}
复制代码 完整代码实现
- #include<iostream>#include<fstream>#include<string.h>
- using namespace std;#defineMaxSize1024typedefstructwordcnt{char ch;int cnt=0;}Count;typedefstructNumCount{
- Count count[MaxSize];int length=0;}NumCount;typedefstructHTree{char data;int weight;int parent,lchild,rchild;}HTNode,*HuffmanTree;typedefstructHCode{char data;char* str;}*HuffmanCode;voidReadData(char*source);// 读入文件 voidWordCount(char*data,NumCount *paraCnt);// 统计次数 voidShow(NumCount *paraCnt);// 展示次数 voidCreateHuffmanTree(HuffmanTree &HT,int length,NumCount cntarray);// 创建哈夫曼树 voidselect(HuffmanTree HT,int top,int*s1,int*s2);// 选择权重最小的两个节点 voidCreateHuffmanCode(HuffmanTree HT,HuffmanCode &HC,int length);// 创建哈夫曼编码 voidEncode(char*data,HuffmanCode HC,int length);// 将读入的文件编码,写到txt文件 voidDecode(HuffmanTree HT,int length);//读入编码文件,解码 intmain(int argc,char** argv){char data[MaxSize];
- NumCount Cntarray;ReadData(data);// 读入数据 WordCount(data,&Cntarray);// 统计次数 Show(&Cntarray);//可以查看每个单词出现的对应次数
- HuffmanTree tree;CreateHuffmanTree(tree,Cntarray.length,Cntarray);// 建树
- HuffmanCode code;CreateHuffmanCode(tree,code,Cntarray.length);// 创建编码 Encode(data,code,Cntarray.length);// 生成编码文件 Decode(tree,Cntarray.length);// 解码
- cout<<"Please view the generated TXT file to check the result"<<endl;return0;}voidReadData(char*source){//打开文件读入数据
- ifstream infile;
- infile.open("in.txt");
- cout<<"Reading..."<<endl;
- cout<<"the input file is:"<<endl;
- infile.getline(source,MaxSize);
- cout<<source<<endl;
- infile.close();
- cout<<endl;}voidWordCount(char*data,NumCount *paraCnt){int flag;// 标识是否已经记录 int len =strlen(data);for(int i =0;i < len;++i){
- flag =0;for(int j =0;j < paraCnt->length;++j){if(paraCnt->count[j].ch == data[i])// 若已有记录,直接++ {++paraCnt->count[j].cnt;
- flag =1;break;}}if(!flag)// 没有记录,则新增 {
- paraCnt->count[paraCnt->length].ch = data[i];++paraCnt->count[paraCnt->length].cnt;++paraCnt->length;}}}voidShow(NumCount* paraCnt){
- cout<<"the length is "<<paraCnt->length<<endl;for(int i =0;i < paraCnt->length;++i){
- cout<<"The character "<<paraCnt->count[i].ch<<" appears "<<paraCnt->count[i].cnt<<endl;}
- cout<<endl;}voidCreateHuffmanTree(HuffmanTree &HT,int length,NumCount cntarray){if(length<=1)printf("ERROR!!!\r\n");int s1,s2;int m = length*2-1;// 没有度为1的节点,则总结点是2*叶子节点数-1个
- HT = new HTNode[m+1];for(int i =1;i <= m;++i)// 初始化 {
- HT[i].parent =0;
- HT[i].lchild =0;
- HT[i].rchild =0;}for(int i =1;i <= length;++i){
- HT[i].data = cntarray.count[i-1].ch;
- HT[i].weight = cntarray.count[i-1].cnt;}for(int i = length +1;i <= m;++i){select(HT,i-1,&s1,&s2);// 从前面的范围里选择权重最小的两个节点
- HT[s1].parent = i;
- HT[s2].parent = i;
- HT[i].lchild = s1;
- HT[i].rchild = s2;
- HT[i].weight = HT[s1].weight + HT[s2].weight;// 得到一个新节点 }}voidselect(HuffmanTree HT,int top,int* s1,int* s2){int min = INT_MAX;for(int i =1;i <= top;++i)// 选择没有双亲的节点中,权重最小的节点 {if(HT[i].weight < min && HT[i].parent ==0){
- min = HT[i].weight;*s1 = i;}}
- min = INT_MAX;for(int i =1;i <= top;++i)// 选择没有双亲的节点中,权重次小的节点 {if(HT[i].weight < min && i !=*s1 && HT[i].parent ==0){
- min = HT[i].weight;*s2 = i;}}}voidCreateHuffmanCode(HuffmanTree HT,HuffmanCode &HC,int length){
- HC = new HCode[length+1];char*cd = new char[length];// 存储编码的临时空间
- cd[length-1]='\0';// 方便之后调用strcpy函数 int c,f,start;for(int i =1;i <= length;++i){
- start = length-1;// start表示编码在临时空间内的起始下标,由于是从叶子节点回溯,所以是从最后开始
- c = i;
- f = HT[c].parent;while(f !=0){--start;// 由于是回溯,所以从临时空间的最后往回计 if(HT[f].lchild == c)
- cd[start]='0';else
- cd[start]='1';
- c = f;
- f = HT[c].parent;}
- HC[i].str = new char[length-start];// 最后,实际使用的编码空间大小是length-start
- HC[i].data = HT[i].data;strcpy(HC[i].str,&cd[start]);// 从实际起始地址开始,拷贝到编码结构中 }
- delete[] cd;}voidEncode(char* data,HuffmanCode HC,int length){
- ofstream outfile;
- outfile.open("code.txt");for(int i =0;i <strlen(data);++i)// 依次读入数据,查找对应的编码,写入编码文件 {for(int j =1;j <= length;++j){if(data[i]== HC[j].data){
- outfile<<HC[j].str;}}}
- outfile.close();
- cout<<"the code txt has been written"<<endl;
- cout<<endl;}voidDecode(HuffmanTree HT,int length){char codetxt[MaxSize*length];
- ifstream infile;
- infile.open("code.txt");
- infile.getline(codetxt,MaxSize*length);
- infile.close();
- ofstream outfile;
- outfile.open("out.txt");int root =2*length-1;// 从根节点开始遍历 for(int i =0;i <strlen(codetxt);++i){if(codetxt[i]=='0') root = HT[root].lchild;//为0表示向左遍历 elseif(codetxt[i]=='1') root = HT[root].rchild;//为1表示向右遍历 if(HT[root].lchild ==0&& HT[root].rchild ==0)// 如果已经是叶子节点,输出到输出文件中,然后重新回到根节点 {
- outfile<<HT[root].data;
- root =2*length-1;}}
- outfile.close();
- cout<<"the output txt has been written"<<endl;
- cout<<endl;}
复制代码 测试样例
In my lifetime, I will be a sincere person and never give up my love and dedication to life. I will live an infinite life in a limited time and space.
the input file is:
In my lifetime, I will be a sincere person and never give up my love and dedication to life. I will live an infinite life in a limited time and space.
the length is 24
The character I appears 3
The character n appears 12
The character appears 30
The character m appears 5
The character y appears 2
The character l appears 10
The character i appears 18
The character f appears 4
The character e appears 18
The character t appears 6
The character , appears 1
The character w appears 2
The character b appears 1
The character a appears 8
The character s appears 3
The character c appears 3
The character r appears 3
The character p appears 3
The character o appears 4
The character d appears 6
The character v appears 4
The character g appears 1
The character u appears 1
The character . appears 2
the code txt has been written
the output txt has been written
Please view the generated TXT file to check the result
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