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秋言物语 I 17.过年的愿望与心想事成

发表于 2022-12-19 16:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Tao achievement makesallwishes come true.





按照中国的民间习俗,初一、十五都会有很多人选择去寺庙或者宫观烧香拜佛拜道。千百年来这种习俗已深植于中华传统文化的 土壤根深蒂固。



先说“佛法无边”。就其字意理解,可以解释为佛的方法可以大到无边无际,亦可成就万事万物。但有人会纳闷,我们向佛求了那么多,却成就不了,为什么拜佛不灵呢?简而言之,不灵是因为我们的贪欲大过了本事和德行。只有我们做一个善良慈悲、宽宏大量、乐善好施的人,真真实实地达到“无我、利他、专一、守信”这样 一个知行合一的境界,才能在菩萨面前有求必应,这时方能感受到佛法无边无际的能量。


At the moment a cluster of light purple swaging gently in the breeze outside the window, that gentle dance, brought me a soft memory……

When I was young I would always be looking forward to New Years. I felt like I was always hungry for the future, counting down towards the new year on your fingertips.

Then, finally, the Chinese New Year comes! You can wear a new clothes from head to toe! Feel free to eat all types of food at home! Can opt out of doing any housework for three days! It's a really happy time.

Looking back, the joys and happiness that come with the New Year are not for food and clothing but for reunion.

According to Chinese folk customs, many people on the first and fifteenth day of the lunar calendar will choose temples or palaces to burn incense and worship Buddhas and Tao. For thousands of years, this custom has been rooted in the soil of Chinese traditional culture and is deeply entrenched.

During the Spring Festival, when we walked into the Buddhist and Taoist temples, we would see smoke lingering, incense burning and all our fellow man each seeking something.D uring the Spring Festival, when we walked into the Buddhist and Taoist temples, we would see smoke lingering, incense burning and all our fellow man each seeking something.

In the Buddhist temple, we can see the phrase “Dharma is boundless.” In the Taoist temple, we can see the phrase “Tao is the Nature.” However, how do we understand these two phrases?

Let me first talk about “Dharma is boundless.” In terms of understanding its meaning, it can be explained that the Dharma can be infinitely large, and that everything can be accomplished. But some people will wonder if we have asked so many about Dharma, but we can't do it. Why should we not achieve from worship Buddhas? In short, it is because our greed is greater than our ability and virtue. Only if we are a kind, compassionate, generous, and charitable will we become a person who truly realizes the state of “Selflessness, altruism, specialization, and trustworthiness”. Only in such a state of unity of knowledge and action can we feel the boundless energy.

Then, “Tao is the Nature.” Taoism is a method of practicing the Tao, and the result of the natural energy created by it is not what you may think think. The ordinary person's method is a phased birth and death method, not a long-term method. Therefore, because wisdom does not reach a certain height, it cannot be measured in the future. Nothing can be called for without deciding what the future thoughts and practices are. Taoism is a law that has been accomplished through long-term uninterrupted practice. This includes asceticism and all kinds of hardships. Those who have not experienced life or death are also hard to practice Tao. Taoism is the fundamental way to achieve everything. Tao achievement makes all wishes come true.


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