Xffect Editor Pro v4.4.4
Xffect is a powerful effect solution for Unity. With a brand new particle system and many professional example prefabs inside, you can create amazing game effects!WebPlayer
* Full Inspector integration.
* Can update in the editor, no need to hit play to see the results.
* Provides a brand new particle system.
* Supports unity Free and mobile device.
* Supports event system to shake your camera, play sounds and apply ImageEffects!
* Very optimized performance.
* A lot of prefab effects are included, just drag them to your own project for reuse.
* The package receives updates on a continous basis.
Compatible with Unity 4.
更新至4.4.4 谢谢分享~~ 没U币 伤不起 好帖就是要顶 真心顶 难得一见的好帖 说的非常好 不错不错 顶顶多好 真心顶