FX Maker 1.3.2 6月4号官方最新版本
FX Maker 1.3.2 6月4号最新发布-'FX Maker' includes 300 EffectPrefabs
- Has been optimized for mobile. -'FX Maker' is a tool which produces Effects.
(creation, viewer, analyzing, test)
-Supports 'BuildSprite' which transforms hundreds of triangles to only two.
-Supports Mesh, Legacy and Shuriken
-Particle Resizing (Transform.Scale)
-Adjust Speed (Mesh, Legacy, Shuriken)
-For Unity 3.5.3 and higher
Included Resources:
300 Effect, 300 Texture, 100 Mesh, 100 CurveAni
FX Maker 1.3.2 6月4号最新发布
-'FX Maker' includes 300 EffectPrefabs{:5_424:} 为什么我没有u币 这个可以有 {:5_404:}{:5_404:}{:5_404:}没U币 1250572980@qq.com,求{:5_401:}{:5_401:}{:5_401:}{:5_401:} 这个插件很不错。 非常感謝~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 木有U币的人伤不起{:5_408:}
不错 不错 不错{:soso__3922851084632044791_6:}