unity3d for iphone 1.7 破解教程
Unity iPhone 1.7:http://unity3d.com/unity/download/#iphone破解文件下载:下载
bspatch and bsdiff 文件:
Copy the file "unity_iphone_170_nolib_crack" to your desktop.
Run these commands (or copy and paste) in Terminal.app (excluding the big ):cd "/Applications/Unity iPhone/Unity iPhone.app/Contents/MacOS/"
mv Unity UnityOrig
bspatch UnityOrig Unity ~/Desktop/unity_iphone_170_nolib_crack
chmod +x Unity
P.S. View "man bspatch" for more details on the implementation. If bspatch is not available on your system, I would recommend installing MacPorts (Google it) and then running "sudo port install bspatch" from the command line prior to attempting this patch.
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