闪光灯源码 拖到脚本即可
<pre> using UnityEngine;using System.Collections;
public classshanguangdeng: MonoBehaviour
// Flickering Styles
public enum flickerinLightStyles { CampFire = 0, Fluorescent = 1 };
public flickerinLightStyles flickeringLightStyle = flickerinLightStyles.CampFire;
// Campfire Methods
public enum campfireMethods { Intensity = 0, Range = 1, Both = 2 };
public campfireMethods campfireMethod = campfireMethods.Intensity;
// Intensity Styles
public enum campfireIntesityStyles { Sine = 0, Random = 1 };
public campfireIntesityStyles campfireIntesityStyle = campfireIntesityStyles.Random;
// Range Styles
public enum campfireRangeStyles { Sine = 0, Random = 1 };
public campfireRangeStyles campfireRangeStyle = campfireRangeStyles.Random;
// Base Intensity Value
public float CampfireIntensityBaseValue = 0.5f;
// Intensity Flickering Power
public float CampfireIntensityFlickerValue = 0.1f;
// Base Range Value
public float CampfireRangeBaseValue = 10.0f;
// Range Flickering Power
public float CampfireRangeFlickerValue = 2.0f;
// If Style is Sine
private float CampfireSineCycleIntensity = 0.0f;
private float CampfireSineCycleRange = 0.0f;
// "Glow" Speeds
public float CampfireSineCycleIntensitySpeed = 5.0f;
public float CampfireSineCycleRangeSpeed = 5.0f;
public float FluorescentFlickerMin = 0.4f;
public float FluorescentFlickerMax = 0.5f;
public float FluorescentFlicerPercent = 0.95f;
public bool FluorescentFlickerPlaySound = false;
public AudioClip FluorescentFlickerAudioClip;
// ------------------------
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
switch( flickeringLightStyle )
// If Flickering Style is Campfire
case flickerinLightStyles.CampFire:
// If campfire method is Intesity OR Both
if( campfireMethod == campfireMethods.Intensity || campfireMethod == campfireMethods.Both )
// If Intensity style is Sine
if( campfireIntesityStyle == campfireIntesityStyles.Sine )
// Cycle the Campfire angle
CampfireSineCycleIntensity += CampfireSineCycleIntensitySpeed;
if( CampfireSineCycleIntensity > 360.0f ) CampfireSineCycleIntensity = 0.0f;
// Base + Values
light.intensity = CampfireIntensityBaseValue + ( ( Mathf.Sin( CampfireSineCycleIntensity * Mathf.Deg2Rad ) * ( CampfireIntensityFlickerValue / 2.0f ) ) + ( CampfireIntensityFlickerValue / 2.0f ) );
else light.intensity = CampfireIntensityBaseValue + Random.Range( 0.0f, CampfireIntensityFlickerValue );
// If campfire method is Range OR Both
if( campfireMethod == campfireMethods.Range || campfireMethod == campfireMethods.Both )
// If Range style is Sine
if( campfireRangeStyle == campfireRangeStyles.Sine )
// Cycle the Campfire angle
CampfireSineCycleRange += CampfireSineCycleRangeSpeed;
if( CampfireSineCycleRange > 360.0f ) CampfireSineCycleRange = 0.0f;
// Base + Values
light.range = CampfireRangeBaseValue + ( ( Mathf.Sin( CampfireSineCycleRange * Mathf.Deg2Rad ) * ( CampfireSineCycleRange / 2.0f ) ) + ( CampfireSineCycleRange / 2.0f ) );
else light.range = CampfireRangeBaseValue + Random.Range( 0.0f, CampfireRangeFlickerValue );
// If Flickering Style is Fluorescent
case flickerinLightStyles.Fluorescent:
if( Random.Range( 0.0f, 1.0f ) > FluorescentFlicerPercent )
light.intensity = FluorescentFlickerMin;
if( FluorescentFlickerPlaySound )
else light.intensity = FluorescentFlickerMax;
// You should not be here.
}</pre> 好东西 学习学习 很不错 顶顶多好 真心顶 很好哦 不错不错 楼主是超人 真心顶 难得一见的好帖