BlaXuan 发表于 2022-5-1 14:20

优化算法 | 蚁群算法(ACO)求解TSP问题(附Python代码 ...




cities = { "Oklahoma City": (392.8, 356.4), "Montgomery": (559.6, 404.8),
         "Saint Paul": (451.6, 186.0), "Trenton": (698.8, 239.6),
         "Salt Lake City": (204.0, 243.2), "Columbus": (590.8, 263.2),
         "Austin": (389.2, 448.4), "Phoenix": (179.6, 371.2),
         "Hartford": (719.6, 205.2), "Baton Rouge": (489.6, 442.0),
         "Salem": (80.0, 139.2), "Little Rock": (469.2, 367.2),
         "Richmond": (673.2, 293.6), "Jackson": (501.6, 409.6),
         "Des Moines": (447.6, 246.0), "Lansing": (563.6, 216.4),
         "Denver": (293.6, 274.0), "Boise": (159.6, 182.8),
         "Raleigh": (662.0, 328.8), "Atlanta": (585.6, 376.8),
         "Madison": (500.8, 217.6), "Indianapolis": (548.0, 272.8),
         "Nashville": (546.4, 336.8), "Columbia": (632.4, 364.8),
         "Providence": (735.2, 201.2), "Boston": (738.4, 190.8),
         "Tallahassee": (594.8, 434.8), "Sacramento": (68.4, 254.0),
         "Albany": (702.0, 193.6), "Harrisburg": (670.8, 244.0) }

import time
from itertools import chain
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Tuple, Union

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from Data import *
import numpy as np
import random

class AntColonySolver:
    def __init__(self,
               cost_fn: Callable[, Union],

               time=0,# run for a fixed amount of time
               min_time=0,# minimum runtime
               timeout=0,# maximum time in seconds to run for
               stop_factor=2,# how many times to redouble effort after new new best path
               min_round_trips=10,# minimum number of round trips before stopping
               max_round_trips=0,# maximum number of round trips before stopping
               min_ants=0,# Total number of ants to use
               max_ants=0,# Total number of ants to use

               ant_count=64,# this is the bottom of the near-optimal range for numpy performance
               ant_speed=1,# how many steps do ants travel per epoch

               distance_power=1,# power to which distance affects pheromones
               pheromone_power=1.25,# power to which differences in pheromones are noticed
               decay_power=0,# how fast do pheromones decay
               reward_power=0,# relative pheromone reward based on best_path_length/path_length
               best_path_smell=2,# queen multiplier for pheromones upon finding a new best path
               start_smell=0,# amount of starting pheromones


      assert callable(cost_fn)
      self.cost_fn = cost_fn
      self.time = int(time)
      self.min_time = int(min_time)
      self.timeout = int(timeout)
      self.stop_factor = float(stop_factor)
      self.min_round_trips = int(min_round_trips)
      self.max_round_trips = int(max_round_trips)
      self.min_ants = int(min_ants)
      self.max_ants = int(max_ants)

      self.ant_count = int(ant_count)
      self.ant_speed = int(ant_speed)

      self.distance_power = float(distance_power)
      self.pheromone_power = float(pheromone_power)
      self.decay_power = float(decay_power)
      self.reward_power = float(reward_power)
      self.best_path_smell = float(best_path_smell)
      self.start_smell = float(start_smell or 10 ** self.distance_power)

      self.verbose = int(verbose)
      self._initalized = False

      if self.min_round_trips and self.max_round_trips: self.min_round_trips = min(self.min_round_trips,
      if self.min_ants and self.max_ants:               self.min_ants = min(self.min_ants, self.max_ants)

    def solve_initialize(
            problem_path: List,
    ) -> None:
      ### Cache of distances between nodes
      self.distances = {
            source: {
                dest: self.cost_fn(source, dest)
                for dest in problem_path
            for source in problem_path

      ### Cache of distance costs between nodes - division in a tight loop is expensive
      self.distance_cost = {
            source: {
                dest: 1 / (1 + self.distances) ** self.distance_power
                for dest in problem_path
            for source in problem_path

      ### This stores the pheromone trail that slowly builds up
      self.pheromones = {
            source: {
                # Encourage the ants to start exploring in all directions and furthest nodes
                dest: self.start_smell
                for dest in problem_path
            for source in problem_path

      ### Sanitise input parameters
      if self.ant_count <= 0:
            self.ant_count = len(problem_path)
      if self.ant_speed <= 0:
            self.ant_speed = np.median(list(chain(*))) // 5
      self.ant_speed = int(max(1, self.ant_speed))

      ### Heuristic Exports
      self.ants_used = 0
      self.epochs_used = 0
      self.round_trips = 0
      self._initalized = True

    def solve(self,
            problem_path: List,
            ) -> List]:
      if restart or not self._initalized:

      ### Here come the ants!
      ants = {
            "distance": np.zeros((self.ant_count,)).astype('int32'),
            "path": [] for n in range(self.ant_count)],
            "remaining": ) for n in range(self.ant_count)],
            "path_cost": np.zeros((self.ant_count,)).astype('int32'),
            "round_trips": np.zeros((self.ant_count,)).astype('int32'),

      best_path = None
      best_path_cost = np.inf
      best_epochs = []
      epoch = 0
      time_start = time.perf_counter()
      while True:
            epoch += 1

            ### Vectorized walking of ants
            # Small optimization here, testing against `> self.ant_speed` rather than `> 0`
            #       avoids computing ants_arriving in the main part of this tight loop
            ants_travelling = (ants['distance'] > self.ant_speed)
            ants['distance'] -= self.ant_speed
            if all(ants_travelling):
                continue# skip termination checks until the next ant arrives

            ### Vectorized checking of ants arriving
            ants_arriving = np.invert(ants_travelling)
            ants_arriving_index = np.where(ants_arriving)
            for i in ants_arriving_index:

                ### ant has arrived at next_node
                this_node = ants['path'][-1]
                next_node = self.next_node(ants, i)
                ants['distance'] = self.distances
                ants['remaining'] = ants['remaining'] - {this_node}
                ants['path_cost'] = ants['path_cost'] + ants['distance']

                ### ant has returned home to the colony
                if not ants['remaining'] and ants['path'] == ants['path'][-1]:
                  self.ants_used += 1
                  self.round_trips = max(self.round_trips, ants["round_trips"] + 1)

                  ### We have found a new best path - inform the Queen
                  was_best_path = False
                  if ants['path_cost'] < best_path_cost:
                        was_best_path = True
                        best_path_cost = ants['path_cost']
                        best_path = ants['path']
                        best_epochs +=
                        if self.verbose:
                              "path_cost": int(ants['path_cost']),
                              "ants_used": self.ants_used,
                              "epoch": epoch,
                              "round_trips": ants['round_trips'] + 1,
                              "clock": int(time.perf_counter() - time_start),

                  ### leave pheromone trail
                  # doing this only after ants arrive home improves initial exploration
                  #* self.round_trips has the effect of decaying old pheromone trails
                  # ** self.reward_power = -3 has the effect of encouraging ants to explore longer routes
                  #                           in combination with doubling pheromone for best_path
                  reward = 1
                  if self.reward_power: reward *= ((best_path_cost / ants['path_cost']) ** self.reward_power)
                  if self.decay_power:reward *= (self.round_trips ** self.decay_power)
                  for path_index in range(len(ants['path']) - 1):
                        this_node = ants['path']
                        next_node = ants['path']
                        self.pheromones += reward
                        self.pheromones += reward
                        if was_best_path:
                            # Queen orders to double the number of ants following this new best path
                            self.pheromones *= self.best_path_smell
                            self.pheromones *= self.best_path_smell

                  ### reset ant
                  ants["distance"] = 0
                  ants["path"] = ]
                  ants["remaining"] = set(problem_path)
                  ants["path_cost"] = 0
                  ants["round_trips"] += 1

            ### Do we terminate?

            # Always wait for at least 1 solutions (note: 2+ solutions are not guaranteed)
            if not len(best_epochs): continue

            # Timer takes priority over other constraints
            if self.time or self.min_time or self.timeout:
                clock = time.perf_counter() - time_start
                if self.time:
                  if clock > self.time:
                if self.min_time and clock < self.min_time: continue
                if self.timeout and clock > self.timeout:break

            # First epoch only has start smell - question: how many epochs are required for a reasonable result?
            if self.min_round_trips and self.round_trips < self.min_round_trips: continue
            if self.max_round_trips and self.round_trips >= self.max_round_trips: break

            # This factor is most closely tied to computational power
            if self.min_ants and self.ants_used < self.min_ants: continue
            if self.max_ants and self.ants_used >= self.max_ants: break

            # Lets keep redoubling our efforts until we can't find anything more
            if self.stop_factor and epoch > (best_epochs[-1] * self.stop_factor): break

            # Nothing else is stopping us: Queen orders the ants to continue!
            if True: continue

      ### We have (hopefully) found a near-optimal path, report back to the Queen
      self.epochs_used = epoch
      self.round_trips = np.max(ants["round_trips"])
      return best_path

    def next_node(self, ants, index):
      this_node = ants['path'][-1]

      weights = []
      weights_sum = 0
      if not ants['remaining']: return ants['path']# return home
      for next_node in ants['remaining']:
            if next_node == this_node: continue
            reward = (
                  self.pheromones ** self.pheromone_power
                  * self.distance_cost# Prefer shorter paths
            weights.append((reward, next_node))
            weights_sum += reward

      # Pick a random path in proportion to the weight of the pheromone
      rand = random.random() * weights_sum
      for (weight, next_node) in weights:
            if rand > weight:
                rand -= weight
      return next_node

def AntColonyRunner(cities, verbose=False, plot=False, label={}, algorithm=AntColonySolver, **kwargs):
    solver = algorithm(cost_fn=distance, verbose=verbose, **kwargs)
    start_time = time.perf_counter()
    result = solver.solve(cities)
    stop_time = time.perf_counter()
    if label: kwargs = {**label, **kwargs}

    for key in ['verbose', 'plot', 'animate', 'label', 'min_time', 'max_time']:
      if key in kwargs: del kwargs
    print("N={:<3d} | {:5.0f} -> {:4.0f} | {:4.0f}s | ants: {:5d} | trips: {:4d} | "
          .format(len(cities), path_distance(cities), path_distance(result), (stop_time - start_time), solver.ants_used,
          + " ".join()
    if plot:
    return result

# Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem
results = AntColonyRunner(cities, distance_power=1, verbose=True, plot=True)


import numpy as np
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg

united_states_map = mpimg.imread("united_states_map.png")

def show_cities(path, w=12, h=8):
    """Plot a TSP path overlaid on a map of the US States & their capitals."""
    if isinstance(path, dict):      path = list(path.values())
    if isinstance(path, str): path = for item in path]
    for x0, y0 in path:
      plt.plot(x0, y0, 'y*', markersize=15)# y* = yellow star for starting point
    fig = plt.gcf()

def show_path(path, starting_city=None, w=12, h=8):
    """Plot a TSP path overlaid on a map of the US States & their capitals."""
    if isinstance(path, dict):      path = list(path.values())
    if isinstance(path, str): path = for item in path]

    starting_city = starting_city or path
    x, y = list(zip(*path))
    # _, (x0, y0) = starting_city
    (x0, y0) = starting_city
    # plt.plot(x0, y0, 'y*', markersize=15)# y* = yellow star for starting point
    plt.plot(x + x[:1], y + y[:1])# include the starting point at the end of path
    fig = plt.gcf()

def polyfit_plot(x, y, deg, **kwargs):
    coefficients = np.polyfit(x, y, deg, **kwargs)
    poly = np.poly1d(coefficients)
    new_x = np.linspace(x, x[-1])
    new_y = poly(new_x)
    plt.plot(x, y, "o", new_x, new_y)
    plt.xlim( - 1, x[-1] + 1])

    terms = []
    for p, c in enumerate(reversed(coefficients)):
      term = str(round(c, 1))
      if p == 1: term += 'x'
      if p >= 2: term += 'x^' + str(p)
    plt.title(" + ".join(reversed(terms)))

def distance(xy1, xy2) -> float:
    if isinstance(xy1, str): xy1 = xy1; xy2 = xy2;               # if xy1 == ("Name", (x,y))
    return math.sqrt( (xy1-xy2)**2 + (xy1-xy2)**2 )

def path_distance(path) -> int:
    if isinstance(path, dict):      path = list(path.values())            # if path == {"Name": (x,y)}
    if isinstance(path, str): path = [ item for item in path ]   # if path == ("Name", (x,y))
    return int(sum(
      [ distance(path,path) for i in range(len(path)-1) ]
      + [ distance(path[-1], path) ]                                 # include cost of return journey

cities = { "Oklahoma City": (392.8, 356.4), "Montgomery": (559.6, 404.8),
         "Saint Paul": (451.6, 186.0), "Trenton": (698.8, 239.6),
         "Salt Lake City": (204.0, 243.2), "Columbus": (590.8, 263.2),
         "Austin": (389.2, 448.4), "Phoenix": (179.6, 371.2),
         "Hartford": (719.6, 205.2), "Baton Rouge": (489.6, 442.0),
         "Salem": (80.0, 139.2), "Little Rock": (469.2, 367.2),
         "Richmond": (673.2, 293.6), "Jackson": (501.6, 409.6),
         "Des Moines": (447.6, 246.0), "Lansing": (563.6, 216.4),
         "Denver": (293.6, 274.0), "Boise": (159.6, 182.8),
         "Raleigh": (662.0, 328.8), "Atlanta": (585.6, 376.8),
         "Madison": (500.8, 217.6), "Indianapolis": (548.0, 272.8),
         "Nashville": (546.4, 336.8), "Columbia": (632.4, 364.8),
         "Providence": (735.2, 201.2), "Boston": (738.4, 190.8),
         "Tallahassee": (594.8, 434.8), "Sacramento": (68.4, 254.0),
         "Albany": (702.0, 193.6), "Harrisburg": (670.8, 244.0) }
cities = list(sorted(cities.items()))


{'path_cost': 4118, 'ants_used': 1, 'epoch': 3717, 'round_trips': 1, 'clock': 0}
{'path_cost': 3942, 'ants_used': 86, 'epoch': 9804, 'round_trips': 2, 'clock': 0}
{'path_cost': 3781, 'ants_used': 133, 'epoch': 12887, 'round_trips': 3, 'clock': 0}
{'path_cost': 3437, 'ants_used': 135, 'epoch': 12900, 'round_trips': 3, 'clock': 0}
{'path_cost': 3428, 'ants_used': 138, 'epoch': 13019, 'round_trips': 3, 'clock': 0}
{'path_cost': 3192, 'ants_used': 143, 'epoch': 13339, 'round_trips': 3, 'clock': 0}
{'path_cost': 2981, 'ants_used': 193, 'epoch': 15646, 'round_trips': 4, 'clock': 0}
{'path_cost': 2848, 'ants_used': 198, 'epoch': 15997, 'round_trips': 4, 'clock': 0}
{'path_cost': 2760, 'ants_used': 199, 'epoch': 16030, 'round_trips': 4, 'clock': 0}
{'path_cost': 2757, 'ants_used': 216, 'epoch': 16770, 'round_trips': 4, 'clock': 0}
{'path_cost': 2662, 'ants_used': 222, 'epoch': 16973, 'round_trips': 4, 'clock': 0}
{'path_cost': 2600, 'ants_used': 263, 'epoch': 18674, 'round_trips': 5, 'clock': 0}
{'path_cost': 2504, 'ants_used': 276, 'epoch': 19218, 'round_trips': 5, 'clock': 0}
{'path_cost': 2442, 'ants_used': 284, 'epoch': 19338, 'round_trips': 5, 'clock': 0}
{'path_cost': 2313, 'ants_used': 326, 'epoch': 20982, 'round_trips': 6, 'clock': 0}
{'path_cost': 2226, 'ants_used': 728, 'epoch': 35648, 'round_trips': 12, 'clock': 0}
N=30|7074 -> 2240 |    2s | ants:1727 | trips:   28 | distance_power=1
[('Albany', (702.0, 193.6)), ('Hartford', (719.6, 205.2)), ('Providence', (735.2, 201.2)), ('Boston', (738.4, 190.8)), ('Trenton', (698.8, 239.6)), ('Harrisburg', (670.8, 244.0)), ('Richmond', (673.2, 293.6)), ('Raleigh', (662.0, 328.8)), ('Columbia', (632.4, 364.8)), ('Atlanta', (585.6, 376.8)), ('Montgomery', (559.6, 404.8)), ('Tallahassee', (594.8, 434.8)), ('Baton Rouge', (489.6, 442.0)), ('Jackson', (501.6, 409.6)), ('Little Rock', (469.2, 367.2)), ('Oklahoma City', (392.8, 356.4)), ('Austin', (389.2, 448.4)), ('Phoenix', (179.6, 371.2)), ('Sacramento', (68.4, 254.0)), ('Salem', (80.0, 139.2)), ('Boise', (159.6, 182.8)), ('Salt Lake City', (204.0, 243.2)), ('Denver', (293.6, 274.0)), ('Des Moines', (447.6, 246.0)), ('Saint Paul', (451.6, 186.0)), ('Madison', (500.8, 217.6)), ('Lansing', (563.6, 216.4)), ('Columbus', (590.8, 263.2)), ('Indianapolis', (548.0, 272.8)), ('Nashville', (546.4, 336.8)), ('Nashville', (546.4, 336.8)), ('Albany', (702.0, 193.6))]▎ACO算法性能分析

01 | 当不考虑启发因子,仅考虑信息素时

results = AntColonyRunner(cities, distance_power=0, min_time=30, verbose=True, plot=True)


{'path_cost': 6700, 'ants_used': 1, 'epoch': 6202, 'round_trips': 1, 'clock': 0}
{'path_cost': 6693, 'ants_used': 2, 'epoch': 6522, 'round_trips': 1, 'clock': 0}
{'path_cost': 5986, 'ants_used': 67, 'epoch': 13559, 'round_trips': 2, 'clock': 0}
{'path_cost': 5902, 'ants_used': 391, 'epoch': 50120, 'round_trips': 7, 'clock': 0}
{'path_cost': 5886, 'ants_used': 473, 'epoch': 59009, 'round_trips': 8, 'clock': 0}
{'path_cost': 5683, 'ants_used': 514, 'epoch': 62612, 'round_trips': 9, 'clock': 0}
{'path_cost': 5516, 'ants_used': 591, 'epoch': 72020, 'round_trips': 10, 'clock': 0}
{'path_cost': 5297, 'ants_used': 648, 'epoch': 77733, 'round_trips': 11, 'clock': 1}
{'path_cost': 5290, 'ants_used': 671, 'epoch': 79463, 'round_trips': 11, 'clock': 1}
{'path_cost': 5192, 'ants_used': 684, 'epoch': 80368, 'round_trips': 11, 'clock': 1}
{'path_cost': 4359, 'ants_used': 707, 'epoch': 83222, 'round_trips': 12, 'clock': 1}
N=30|7074 -> 4375 |    1s | ants:   958 | trips:   16 | distance_power=0 stop_factor=1.25
02 | 启发因子距离权重

for distance_power in [-2.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 10.0]:
    result = AntColonyRunner(cities, distance_power=distance_power, timeout=60)
N=30|7074 -> 8225 |    1s | ants:   577 | trips:   10 | distance_power=-2.0 timeout=60
N=30|7074 -> 7957 |    1s | ants:   577 | trips:   10 | distance_power=-1.0 timeout=60
N=30|7074 -> 3947 |   22s | ants: 12439 | trips:196 | distance_power=0.0 timeout=60
N=30|7074 -> 2558 |    7s | ants:4492 | trips:   72 | distance_power=0.5 timeout=60
N=30|7074 -> 2227 |    2s | ants:1168 | trips:   19 | distance_power=1.0 timeout=60
N=30|7074 -> 2290 |    4s | ants:2422 | trips:   39 | distance_power=1.25 timeout=60
N=30|7074 -> 2367 |    1s | ants:   679 | trips:   11 | distance_power=1.5 timeout=60
N=30|7074 -> 2211 |    2s | ants:1412 | trips:   23 | distance_power=1.75 timeout=60
N=30|7074 -> 2298 |    7s | ants:4429 | trips:   70 | distance_power=2.0 timeout=60
N=30|7074 -> 2200 |    2s | ants:1411 | trips:   23 | distance_power=3.0 timeout=60
N=30|7074 -> 2232 |    1s | ants:   758 | trips:   12 | distance_power=5.0 timeout=60
N=30|7074 -> 2240 |    1s | ants:   577 | trips:   10 | distance_power=10.0 timeout=60
03 | 信息素权重

for distance_power in :
    for pheromone_power in [-2.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 10.0]:
      result = AntColonyRunner(cities, distance_power=distance_power, pheromone_power=pheromone_power, time=0)
N=30|7074 -> 5477 |    1s | ants:   574 | trips:   10 | distance_power=0 pheromone_power=-2.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 5701 |    1s | ants:   688 | trips:   11 | distance_power=0 pheromone_power=-1.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 6039 |    2s | ants:   570 | trips:   10 | distance_power=0 pheromone_power=0.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 5970 |    2s | ants:   689 | trips:   11 | distance_power=0 pheromone_power=0.5 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 5628 |    2s | ants:   573 | trips:   10 | distance_power=0 pheromone_power=1.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 5246 |    2s | ants:   894 | trips:   15 | distance_power=0 pheromone_power=1.25 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 4035 |   13s | ants:7217 | trips:114 | distance_power=0 pheromone_power=1.5 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 4197 |    9s | ants:4602 | trips:   73 | distance_power=0 pheromone_power=1.75 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 4328 |    3s | ants:1788 | trips:   29 | distance_power=0 pheromone_power=2.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 4188 |    1s | ants:   700 | trips:   11 | distance_power=0 pheromone_power=3.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 5151 |    1s | ants:   577 | trips:   10 | distance_power=0 pheromone_power=5.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 5278 |    1s | ants:   577 | trips:   10 | distance_power=0 pheromone_power=10.0 time=0

N=30|7074 -> 4444 |    1s | ants:   561 | trips:   10 | distance_power=1 pheromone_power=-2.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 4035 |    1s | ants:   564 | trips:   10 | distance_power=1 pheromone_power=-1.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 4016 |    1s | ants:   788 | trips:   13 | distance_power=1 pheromone_power=0.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 2733 |    4s | ants:1968 | trips:   32 | distance_power=1 pheromone_power=0.5 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 2263 |    3s | ants:2424 | trips:   39 | distance_power=1 pheromone_power=1.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 2315 |    2s | ants:1863 | trips:   30 | distance_power=1 pheromone_power=1.25 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 2528 |    1s | ants:1107 | trips:   18 | distance_power=1 pheromone_power=1.5 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 2593 |    1s | ants:   615 | trips:   10 | distance_power=1 pheromone_power=1.75 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 2350 |    1s | ants:   631 | trips:   10 | distance_power=1 pheromone_power=2.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 2806 |    1s | ants:   680 | trips:   11 | distance_power=1 pheromone_power=3.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 3079 |    1s | ants:   577 | trips:   10 | distance_power=1 pheromone_power=5.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 3087 |    1s | ants:   577 | trips:   10 | distance_power=1 pheromone_power=10.0 time=0

N=30|7074 -> 3277 |    1s | ants:   558 | trips:   10 | distance_power=2 pheromone_power=-2.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 3191 |    1s | ants:   536 | trips:   10 | distance_power=2 pheromone_power=-1.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 2958 |    2s | ants:1124 | trips:   19 | distance_power=2 pheromone_power=0.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 2229 |    4s | ants:3027 | trips:   49 | distance_power=2 pheromone_power=0.5 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 2432 |    1s | ants:   560 | trips:   10 | distance_power=2 pheromone_power=1.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 2275 |    5s | ants:4391 | trips:   70 | distance_power=2 pheromone_power=1.25 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 2320 |    3s | ants:2194 | trips:   35 | distance_power=2 pheromone_power=1.5 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 2534 |    1s | ants:   778 | trips:   13 | distance_power=2 pheromone_power=1.75 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 2233 |    1s | ants:   938 | trips:   15 | distance_power=2 pheromone_power=2.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 2308 |    1s | ants:   897 | trips:   15 | distance_power=2 pheromone_power=3.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 2320 |    1s | ants:   645 | trips:   11 | distance_power=2 pheromone_power=5.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 2653 |    1s | ants:   577 | trips:   10 | distance_power=2 pheromone_power=10.0 time=0
for distance_power in :
    for pheromone_power in [-2.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 10.0]:
      result = AntColonyRunner(cities, distance_power=distance_power, pheromone_power=pheromone_power, time=0)
N=30|7074 -> 5842 |    2s | ants:   577 | trips:   10 | distance_power=0 pheromone_power=-2.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 5897 |    3s | ants:1080 | trips:   18 | distance_power=0 pheromone_power=-1.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 5798 |    1s | ants:   574 | trips:   10 | distance_power=0 pheromone_power=0.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 6059 |    1s | ants:   570 | trips:   10 | distance_power=0 pheromone_power=0.5 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 4068 |    7s | ants:3562 | trips:   57 | distance_power=0 pheromone_power=1.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 3620 |    3s | ants:2553 | trips:   41 | distance_power=0 pheromone_power=1.25 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 3994 |    5s | ants:2822 | trips:   45 | distance_power=0 pheromone_power=1.5 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 4067 |    3s | ants:2210 | trips:   35 | distance_power=0 pheromone_power=1.75 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 4232 |    3s | ants:2057 | trips:   33 | distance_power=0 pheromone_power=2.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 4559 |    2s | ants:1179 | trips:   19 | distance_power=0 pheromone_power=3.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 4566 |    1s | ants:   575 | trips:   10 | distance_power=0 pheromone_power=5.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 5565 |    1s | ants:   577 | trips:   10 | distance_power=0 pheromone_power=10.0 time=0

N=30|7074 -> 4377 |    1s | ants:   570 | trips:   10 | distance_power=1 pheromone_power=-2.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 4459 |    1s | ants:   535 | trips:   10 | distance_power=1 pheromone_power=-1.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 4269 |    1s | ants:   559 | trips:   10 | distance_power=1 pheromone_power=0.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 3144 |    1s | ants:   636 | trips:   11 | distance_power=1 pheromone_power=0.5 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 2371 |    2s | ants:1265 | trips:   21 | distance_power=1 pheromone_power=1.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 2298 |    4s | ants:2880 | trips:   47 | distance_power=1 pheromone_power=1.25 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 2337 |    7s | ants:4058 | trips:   65 | distance_power=1 pheromone_power=1.5 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 2317 |    2s | ants:1647 | trips:   27 | distance_power=1 pheromone_power=1.75 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 2386 |    2s | ants:   808 | trips:   13 | distance_power=1 pheromone_power=2.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 2434 |    1s | ants:   573 | trips:   10 | distance_power=1 pheromone_power=3.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 2776 |    1s | ants:   578 | trips:   10 | distance_power=1 pheromone_power=5.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 3255 |    1s | ants:   577 | trips:   10 | distance_power=1 pheromone_power=10.0 time=0

N=30|7074 -> 2748 |    1s | ants:   560 | trips:   10 | distance_power=2 pheromone_power=-2.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 3224 |    1s | ants:   542 | trips:   10 | distance_power=2 pheromone_power=-1.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 2958 |    1s | ants:   543 | trips:   10 | distance_power=2 pheromone_power=0.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 2705 |    2s | ants:   816 | trips:   14 | distance_power=2 pheromone_power=0.5 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 2205 |    2s | ants:1033 | trips:   17 | distance_power=2 pheromone_power=1.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 2301 |    2s | ants:1071 | trips:   17 | distance_power=2 pheromone_power=1.25 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 2248 |    2s | ants:1171 | trips:   19 | distance_power=2 pheromone_power=1.5 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 2194 |    2s | ants:1001 | trips:   16 | distance_power=2 pheromone_power=1.75 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 2371 |    1s | ants:   575 | trips:   10 | distance_power=2 pheromone_power=2.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 2338 |    2s | ants:1310 | trips:   21 | distance_power=2 pheromone_power=3.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 2371 |    1s | ants:   576 | trips:   10 | distance_power=2 pheromone_power=5.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 2942 |    1s | ants:   577 | trips:   10 | distance_power=2 pheromone_power=10.0 time=0
for distance_power in :
    for pheromone_power in :
      result = AntColonyRunner(cities, distance_power=distance_power, pheromone_power=pheromone_power, time=0)
N=30|7074 -> 5107 |    1s | ants:   764 | trips:   13 | distance_power=0 pheromone_power=1.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 3393 |   15s | ants:8420 | trips:134 | distance_power=0 pheromone_power=1.1 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 3548 |   20s | ants: 12669 | trips:200 | distance_power=0 pheromone_power=1.2 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 4267 |    2s | ants:   831 | trips:   14 | distance_power=0 pheromone_power=1.3 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 5194 |    1s | ants:   562 | trips:   10 | distance_power=0 pheromone_power=1.4 time=0

N=30|7074 -> 2231 |    3s | ants:1507 | trips:   25 | distance_power=1 pheromone_power=1.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 2297 |    4s | ants:2213 | trips:   36 | distance_power=1 pheromone_power=1.1 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 2399 |    5s | ants:2586 | trips:   41 | distance_power=1 pheromone_power=1.2 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 2274 |    3s | ants:1365 | trips:   22 | distance_power=1 pheromone_power=1.3 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 2323 |    2s | ants:1164 | trips:   19 | distance_power=1 pheromone_power=1.4 time=0

N=30|7074 -> 2244 |    3s | ants:1724 | trips:   28 | distance_power=2 pheromone_power=1.0 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 2240 |    3s | ants:1518 | trips:   25 | distance_power=2 pheromone_power=1.1 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 2251 |    3s | ants:1736 | trips:   28 | distance_power=2 pheromone_power=1.2 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 2259 |    1s | ants:   895 | trips:   15 | distance_power=2 pheromone_power=1.3 time=0
N=30|7074 -> 2257 |    6s | ants:4397 | trips:   70 | distance_power=2 pheromone_power=1.4 time=0
04 | 蚂蚁数量

for ant_count in range(0,16+1):
    AntColonyRunner(cities, ant_count=2**ant_count, time=60)
N=30|7074 -> 2711 |   60s | ants:3722 | trips: 3722 | ant_count=1 time=60
N=30|7074 -> 2785 |   60s | ants:6094 | trips: 3047 | ant_count=2 time=60
N=30|7074 -> 2228 |   60s | ants: 14719 | trips: 3682 | ant_count=4 time=60
N=30|7074 -> 2338 |   60s | ants: 23195 | trips: 2902 | ant_count=8 time=60
N=30|7074 -> 2465 |   60s | ants: 27378 | trips: 1714 | ant_count=16 time=60
N=30|7074 -> 2430 |   60s | ants: 41132 | trips: 1291 | ant_count=32 time=60
N=30|7074 -> 2262 |   60s | ants: 43098 | trips:676 | ant_count=64 time=60
N=30|7074 -> 2210 |   60s | ants: 63140 | trips:496 | ant_count=128 time=60
N=30|7074 -> 2171 |   60s | ants: 68796 | trips:272 | ant_count=256 time=60
N=30|7074 -> 2196 |   60s | ants: 67791 | trips:134 | ant_count=512 time=60
N=30|7074 -> 2203 |   60s | ants: 73140 | trips:   73 | ant_count=1024 time=60
N=30|7074 -> 2227 |   60s | ants: 81049 | trips:   41 | ant_count=2048 time=60
N=30|7074 -> 2196 |   60s | ants: 73486 | trips:   19 | ant_count=4096 time=60
N=30|7074 -> 2210 |   60s | ants: 71547 | trips:   10 | ant_count=8192 time=60
N=30|7074 -> 2176 |   60s | ants: 63254 | trips:    5 | ant_count=16384 time=60
N=30|7074 -> 2357 |   60s | ants: 33481 | trips:    2 | ant_count=32768 time=60
N=30|7074 -> 3490 |   61s | ants: 10391 | trips:    1 | ant_count=65536 time=60实验结果表明:



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mypro334 发表于 2022-5-1 14:22

挺好的 如果能把vrp vrptw也写出来就好了[思考]
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