资源大湿 发表于 2021-8-10 08:00

glTF导入器 Piglet: glTF Importer

Import 3D models from glTF files in the Editor or at runtime. Accelerate development of your game by using free textures, materials, and models from sites like Sketchfab and Google Poly.

Visit the https://awesomesaucelabs.github.io/piglet-webgl-demo/ to try Piglet before you buy it.


* import glTF models in the Editor or at runtime
* import glTF models from .gltf/.glb/.zip files, using file paths or HTTP URLs
* import and play glTF animations (including skins and blendshapes)
* import glTF textures and materials, for use with your own models
* supports supercompressed textures via KtxUnity (Unity 2019.3+)
* supports Draco mesh compression via DracoUnity (Unity 2019.3+)
* tested with glTF models from Sketchfab, Google Poly, and Blender
* supported render pipelines: built-in (Unity 2018.4+), URP (Unity 2019.3+)
* supported platforms: Windows, Android, WebGL
* full source code provided
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